April–June 1950 (54.2)

Browse the content of the issue below.


Three Canal Projects, Roman and Byzantine (pp. 97–111)
Frank Gardner Moore

Notes and Discussions

New Illustrations to the Iliad (pp. 112–118)
Kazimierz Bulas

A Fragment of Euphronios in the Musei Civici in Milan (pp. 119–120)
Gianguido Belloni

Sherds from a White-Ground Krater (pp. 120–121)
Cedric Boulter

A Hoard of Greek Jewelry (pp. 121–126)
Howard Comfort

Zephyritis (pp. 126–128)
Harold Mattingly

Archaeological News (pp. 128–132)
Karl Lehmann

Necrology: Carl Watzinger (pp. 133–135)
Stephen B. Luce

Archaeological Digest (pp. 135–141)
C. Bradford Welles

Book Reviews

A New Theory of Human Evolution (p. 142)
By Arthur Keith
Reviewed by T.D. McCown

El Hombre Prehistorico y Los Orígenes de la Humanidad (pp. 142–143)
By Hugo Obermaier and Antonio Garcia y Bellido
Reviewed by T.D. McCown

The Prehistory of Southern Rhodesia (p. 143)
By Neville Jones
Reviewed by Henry Field

Egyptian Pyramids (pp. 143–145)
By Leslie V. Grinsell
Reviewed by Dows Dunham

The Treasure of Three Egyptian Princesses (pp. 145–146)
By H.E. Winlock
Reviewed by James H. Breasted, Jr.

Pour Faire Aimer L’Art Égyptien (pp. 146–147)
By Jean Capart
Reviewed by Nora Scott

History of the Persian Empire (pp. 147–148)
By A.T. Olmstead
Reviewed by George C. Miles

The Gilgamesh Epic and Old Testament Parallels (pp. 148–149)
By Alexander Heidel
Reviewed by Cyrus H. Gordon

Palestine, Ancient and Modern: A Handbook and Guide to the Palestinian Collection of the Royal Ontario Museum (p. 149)
By Winifred Needler
Reviewed by G. Ernest Wright

Commemorative Studies in Honor of Theodore Leslie Shear (pp. 149–151)
Reviewed by Robert Scranton

Epigrammata, Greek Inscriptions in Verse from the Beginnings to the Persian Wars (pp. 151–152)
By Paul Friedländer
Reviewed by Malcolm F. McGregor

Thucydides and the History of His Age (pp. 152–153)
By G.B. Grundy
Reviewed by W. Kendrick Pritchett

By Nicholas M. Kontoleon
Reviewed by George E. Mylonas

Some Attic Vases in the Cyprus Museum (pp. 153–154)
By J.D. Beazley
Reviewed by Dorothy Kent Hill

Trajan’s Parthian War (pp. 154–155)
By F.A. Lepper
Reviewed by J.F. Gilliam

Les Rutènes: Études d’Histoire, d’Archéologie, et de Toponymie gallo-romaines (pp. 155–156)
By Alexandre Albenque
Reviewed by Joshua Whatmough               

Arretinische Reliefkeramik, mit Beschreibung der Sammlung in Tübingen (pp. 156–158)
By Hans Dragendorff and Carl Watzinger
Reviewed by Howard Comfort

Fruehchristliche Kirchen in Rom (p. 158)
By Friedrich Wilhelm Deichmann
Reviewed by Teresa G. Frisch                                           

Dumbarton Oaks Papers, No. 4 (pp. 158–159)
By Committee on Publications
Reviewed by Gerard Brett

The Joshua Roll, A Work of the Macedonian Renaissance (pp. 159–160)
By Kurt Weitzmann
Reviewed by Andrew S. Keck