July 1951 (55.3)

Browse the content of the issue below.


The Origin of Ostracism (pp. 221–229)
Antony E. Raubitschek

Notes and Discussions

Notes on Olynthus and Selinus (pp. 231–236)
R.E. Wycherley

Second Century B.C. Rose Madder from Corinth and Athens (pp. 236–239)
Marie Farnsworth

Some Observations on the Consular Fasti in the Early Empire (pp. 239–241)
F.W. Adams

The “Bigatus” (pp. 241–244)
Leslie H. Neatby

Archaeological Bibliography (pp. 245–254)
C. Bradford Welles and Ann Perkins

Archaeological News (pp. 255–268)
Frederick Johnson


Joseph Lindon Smith (p. 269)
Dows Dunham

Book Reviews

Business Documents of the New-Babylonian Period (pp. 271–272)
By H.H. Figulla
Reviewed by Albrecht Goetze

Old Kingdom Art in Ancient Egypt (p. 272)
By Cyril Aldred
Reviewed by Elizabeth Riefstahl

Occurrences of Pyramid Texts with Cross Indexes of These and Other Egyptian Mortuary Texts (pp. 272–273)
By Thomas George Allen
Reviewed by William C. Hayes

Egyptian Mummies (p. 273)
Reviewed by Caroline Nestmann

Pan: der Griechische Bocksgott (pp. 273–274)
By Reinhard Herbig
Reviewed by Joseph Fontenrose

Ganymed: Heidelberger Beiträge zur antiken Kunstgeschichte (pp. 274–275)
By Reinhard Herbig
Reviewed by Henry C. Montgomery

Monumenti della Pittura Antica Scoperti in Italia. Sezione Prima, La Pittura Etrusca. Tarquinii, Fascicolo I, Le Pitture delle Tombe delle Leonesse e dei Vasi Dipinti, by Pericle Ducati; Monumenti della Pittura Antica Scoperti in Italia. Sezione Prima, La Pittura Etrusca. Tarquinii, Fascicolo II, Le Pitture della Tomba della “Caccia e Pesca,” by Pietro Romanelli; Chiusi, Fascicolo I, Le Pitture delle Tombe Archaiche, by R. Bianchi Bandinelli (pp. 275–277)
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann

Fourth Report on the Excavations of the Roman Fort at Richborough, Kent (pp. 277–278)
By J.P. Bushe-Fox
Reviewed by Charlotte E. Goodfellow

Unione Accademica Nazionale, Inscriptiones Italiae Academiae Italicae Consociatae Ediderunt: Volumen XIII—Fasti et Elogia, Fasciculus I-Fasti Consulares et Triumphales (pp. 278–281)
By Atilius Degrassi
Reviewed by E. Arthur and Joyce S. Gordon

Römische Kunst (pp. 281–282)
By Herbert Koch
Reviewed by Agnes Kirsopp Michels

Vesta (pp. 282–283)
By A. Brelich
Reviewed by Louise Adams Holland

Entretien d’Origène avec Héraclide et les évêques ses collègues sur le Père, le Fils, et l’âme (pp. 283–284)
By Jean Scherer
Reviewed by Arthur Darby Nock      

Charakterköpfe der Weltgeschichte: Münzbildnisse aus zwei Jahrtausenden (pp. 284–285)
By Kurt Lange
Reviewed by F.O. Waage

Safaïtic Inscriptions (pp. 285–286)
By Enno Littmann
Reviewed by Harald Ingholt

A Corpus of Early Anglo-Saxon Great Square-Headed Brooches (p. 286)
By E. Thurlow Leeds
Reviewed by Teresa G. Frisch

The Pottery of Marajó Island, Brazil (p. 286)
By Helen C. Palmatary
Reviewed by Tatiana Proskouriakoff

Studies in Ecuadorean Geography (pp. 286–287)
By Edwin N. Ferdon
Reviewed by John Howland Rowe

Franciscan Awatovi: The Excavation and Conjectural Reconstruction of a 17th-Century Spanish Mission Establishment at a Hopi Indian Town in North-Eastern Arizona (pp. 287–288)
By Ross Gordon Montgomery and Watson Smith
Reviewed by Erik K. Reed

The Mission of San Gregorio de Abo: A Report on the Excavation and Repair of a Seventeenth-Century New Mexico Mission (pp. 288–289)
By Joseph H. Toulouse
Reviewed by Erik K. Reed

Les Procurateurs Equestres sous le Haut-Empire Romain (p. 289)
By H.G. Pflaum
Reviewed by G.D.

Justin the First: An Introduction to the Epoch of Justinian the Great (p. 289)
By A.A. Vasiliev
Reviewed by G.D.