October 1951 (55.4)
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Browse the content of the issue below.
Volume 55 (1951) Index (Open Access)
On Theseus and the Tyrannicides (pp. 293–300)
Chrysoula P. Kardara
The Roman Style in Gandhāra (pp. 301–319)
Alexander C. Soper
Paintings of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom at Bersheh (pp. 321–332)
Wm. Stevenson Smith
A Fragment of a Stele from Cyprus (pp. 333–336)
J.D. Beazley
A Boeotian Bell-Krater in Rochdale (pp. 336–339)
J.M.T. Charlton
The Ship-Rhyton in Boston (pp. 339–343)
G.S. Kirk
The Mechanical Engraving of Circular Letters (pp. 343–344)
A.E. Raubitschek
Roman Panther Tripods (pp. 344–347)
Dorothy Kent Hill
The Senatorial but Not Imperial Relatives of Calpurnia Ar[ria] (pp. 347–349)
James H. Oliver
The Inscription on a Silver Chalice from Syria in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (pp. 349–353)
G. Downey
An Old Nubian Inscription from Kordofan (pp. 353–354)
A.J. Arkell
The Bronze Age in the Near East: A Review Article [Part I] (pp. 355–365)
Statigraphie comparée et Chronologie de l’Asie Occidentale (IIIe IIe Millénaires), Syrie, Palestine, Asie Mineure, Chypre, Perse et Caucase, by Claude F.A. Schaeffer
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann
A Preliminary Report on Some Unpublished Mosaics in Hagia Sophia: Season of 1950 of the Byzantine Institute (pp. 367–370)
Paul A. Underwood
Archaeological News (pp. 371–386)
Archaeological Bibliography (pp. 387–398)
C. Bradford Welles
A Hundred Years of Archaeology (p. 399)
By Glyn E. Daniel
Reviewed by George E. Mylonas
Excavations at Island MacHugh (pp. 399–400)
By O. Davies
Reviewed by Hugh Hencken
Základy Hallstattské Periody v. Čechach (pp. 400–402)
By Jaroslav Böhm
Reviewed by Robert W. Ehrich
The Lascaux Cave Paintings (pp. 402–403)
By Fernand Windels and C.F.C. Hawkes
Reviewed by Hallam L. Movius, Jr.
The Körös Culture (pp. 403–404)
By I. Kutzián
Reviewed by Hazel D. Hansen
Chronologie der jüngeren Steinzeit Mittel- und Südosteuropa (pp. 404–409)
By Vladimir Milojčić
Reviewed by Saul S. Weinberg
Ugaritica II. Nouvelles Études relatives aux Découvertes de Ras Shamra (pp. 409–411)
By Claude F.A. Schaeffer
Reviewed by Ann Perkins
The Painted Pottery of the Near East in the Second Millennium B.C. and Its Chronological Background (pp. 411–412)
By Marian Welker
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann
Thespis: Ritual, Myth and Drama in the Ancient Near East (p. 412)
By Theodore H. Gaster
Reviewed by Stith Thompson
Early Khartoum: An Account of the Excavation of an Early Occupation Site Carried Out by the Sudan Government Antiquities Service in 1944–45 (pp. 413–415)
By A.J. Arkell
Reviewed by Helene J. Kantor
The Royal Cemeteries of Kush, Volume I: El Kurru (pp. 415–416)
By Dows Dunham
Reviewed by Nora Scott
Jebel Moya (pp. 416–417)
By Frank Addison
Reviewed by Bernard V. Bothmer
Middle Kingdom Art in Ancient Egypt, 2300–1590 B.C. (p. 417)
By Cyril Aldred
Reviewed by James H. Breasted, Jr.
Les Premières Civilisations, by P. Jouguet, J. Vandier, G. Contenau, E. Dhorme, A. Aymard, F. Chapouthier, and R. Grousset; Peuples et Civilisations, Histoire Générale, by L. Halphen and P. Sagnac (pp. 417–418)
Reviewed by Emmett L. Bennett, Jr.
L’Art de l’Asie antérieure dans l’antiquité (p. 418)
By Godefroid Goossens
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann
Studies in Magical Amulets, Chiefly Graeco-Egyptian (pp. 419–420)
By Campbell Bonner
Reviewed by A.E. Raubitschek
Sam’al. Studien zur Entdeckung der Ruinenstätte Karatepe. Erste Lieferung (p. 420)
By B. Landsberger
Reviewed by Harald Ingholt
In Memoriam Halil Edhem (pp. 420–421)
Reviewed by Harald Ingholt
Kleinasien und Byzanz: Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Altertumskunde und Kunstgeschichte (p. 421)
Reviewed by G. Downey
La Crète Dédalique. Études sur les origines d’une renaissance (pp. 421–424)
By Pierre Demargne
Reviewed by Saul S. Weinberg
The Swedish Cyprus Expedition, Vol. IV, Part 2; The Cypro-Geometric, Cypro-Archaic, and Cypro-Classical Periods (pp. 424–428)
By Einar Gjerstad
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann
Der grosse Fries von Pergamon. Untersuchungen zur Kunstgeschichte und Geschichte Pergamons (pp. 428–430)
By Heinz Kähler
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber
Excavations at Olynthus: Part XIII: Vases Found in 1934 and 1938 (pp. 430–431)
By David M. Robinson
Reviewed by Lucy Talcott
Sylloge Numorum Graecorum (pp. 431–432)
Reviewed by Agnes B. Brett
Apollo Delphinios (p. 432)
By Photeine P. Bourboulis
Reviewed by Machteld J. Mellink
Phidiasprobleme (pp. 432–433)
By Ernst Langlotz
Reviewed by Charles H. Morgan
Black-Figure and Red-Figure Greek Pottery (p. 433)
By J.W. G[raham]
Reviewed by Dietrich von Bothmer
The Portraits of Alexander the Great (p. 433)
By Margarete Bieber
Reviewed by George H. Chase
Alexander der Grosse, Ingenium und Macht (pp. 433–436)
By Fritz Schachermeyr
Reviewed by C. Bradford Welles
Aspects of Social Life in Antioch in the Hellenistic-Roman Period, by George Haddad; Prosopographia Ptolemaica, by W. Peremans and E. Van’t Dack (pp. 436–438)
Reviewed by C. Bradford Welles
Inscriptions Grecques et Latines de la Syrie (p. 438)
By Louis Jalabert and René Mouterde
Reviewed by W. Kendrick Pritchett
Excavations at Nessana, Volume II: Literary Papyri (pp. 438–439)
By Lionel Casson and Ernest L. Hettich
Reviewed by G. Downey
The Monuments of Ancient Rome (p. 439)
By Dorothy M. Robathan
Reviewed by Arthur E. Gordon
Die Bildniskunst der römischen Republik (pp. 439–441)
By Bernhard Schweitzer
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber
Libellus de Regionibus Urbis Romae (pp. 441–442)
By Arvast Nordh
Reviewed by T. Robert S. Broughton
Excavaciones de Asta Regia (Mesas de Asta, Jerez) Campaña de 1945–46 (p. 442)
By Manuel Esteve Guerrero
Reviewed by William J. Bryant
Excavaciones en el Santuario Iberico del Cigarralejo (Mula, Murcia) (pp. 442–443)
By Emeterio Cuadrado Diaz
Reviewed by William J. Bryant
The “Scythian” Period. An Approach to the History, Art, Epigraphy, and Paleography of North India from the 1st Century B.C. to the 3rd Century A.D. (pp. 443–446)
By J.E. van Lohuizen-de Leeuw
Reviewed by Alexander C. Soper
Classical Indian Sculpture 300 B.C. to 500 A.D. (p. 446)
By Chintamoni Kar
Reviewed by Harald Ingholt
The Coffin of Saint Cuthbert (p. 446)
By E. Kitzinger
Reviewed by Andrew S. Keck
Catalogue du Musée de Lyon, III, La Sculpture du Moyen-Age et de la Renaissance (pp. 446–447)
By René Jullian
Reviewed by Sumner McK. Crosby
Objects Kairouanais, IXe au XIIIe Siècle. Reliures, Verreries, Cuivres et Bronzes, Bijoux (p. 447)
By Georges Marçais, Louis Poinssot, and Lucien Gaillard
Reviewed by Florence E. Day
Early Man in the New World (pp. 447–448)
By Kenneth MacGowan
Reviewed by H.M. Wormington
The Ancient Maya (pp. 448–449)
By Sylvanus G. Morley
Reviewed by J. Eric S. Thompson
The Stratigraphy and Archaeology of Ventana Cave, Arizona (pp. 449–451)
By Emil W. Haury
Reviewed by Erik K. Reed
Flint Quarries—The Sources of Tools and, at the Same Time, the Factories of the American Indian (pp. 451–452)
By Kirk Bryan
Reviewed by Arnold M. Withers
Uaxactun, Guatemala: Excavations of 1931–1937 (pp. 452–453)
By A. Ledyard Smith
Reviewed by Linton Satterthwaite