October 1955 (59.4)
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Browse the content of the issue below.
Volume 59 (1955) Index (Open Access)
The South Wall of Balkh-Bactra (pp. 267–276)
Rodney S. Young
Two Etruscan Mirrors in San Francisco (pp. 277–286)
Mario A. del Chiaro
Zeus Herkeios: Thematic Unity in the Hekatompedon Sculptures (pp. 287–301)
Thalia Phillies Howe
News Letter from Rome (pp. 303–314)
A.W. van Buren
The Arts and King Nabonidus (pp. 315–318)
Berta Segall
A Portrait of Claudius (pp. 319–322)
Elmer G. Suhr
Thomas James Dunbabin (p. 323)
Martin Robertson
Arrest and Movement, an Essay on Space and Time in the Representational Art of the Ancient Near East (pp. 325–327)
By H.A. Groenewegen-Frankfort
Reviewed by William Kelly Simpson
Everyday Life in Babylon and Assyria (pp. 327–328)
By Georges Contenau, K.R. Maxwell-Hyslop, and A.R. Maxwell-Hyslop
Reviewed by Edith Porada
The Ancient Near East in Pictures Relating to the Old Testament (pp. 328–330)
By James B. Pritchard
Reviewed by Karl Katz
Qataban and Sheba: Exploring the Ancient Kingdoms on the Biblical Spice Routes of Arabia (pp. 330–331)
By Wendell Phillips
Reviewed by Joan Lines
The Alalakh Tablets (pp. 331–332)
By D.J. Wiseman
Reviewed by Joan Lines
Iran: From the Earliest Times to the Islamic Conquest (pp. 332–334)
By R. Ghirshman
Reviewed by Joan Lines
Persepolis, Volume I, Structures, Reliefs, Inscriptions (pp. 334–337)
By Erich F. Schmidt
Reviewed by C.K. Wilkinson
Torsion. Eine formenkundliche Untersuchung zur aigaiischen Vorgeschichte (p. 337)
By Friedrich Matz
Reviewed by Machteld J. Mellink
Kretisch-mykenische Siegelbilder. Stilgeschichtliche und chronologische Untersuchungen (pp. 337–338)
By Hagen Biesantz
Reviewed by Machteld J. Mellink
Ocherki po istorii plemen evropeiskoi chasti sssr v neoliticheskuyu epokhu (pp. 338–340)
By A. Ia. Bryusov
Reviewed by Irwin Scollar
Fouilles exécutées à Mallia. Exploration des maisons et quartiers d’habitation (1921–1948). Premiere fascicule (pp. 340–341)
By Pierre Demargne and Hubert Gallet de Santerre
Reviewed by Saul S. Weinberg
Die Gleichnisse Homers und die Bildkunst seiner Zeit (pp. 341–342)
By Roland Hampe
Reviewed by Marjorie J. Milne
Greek Portraits. A Study of Their Development (pp. 342–343)
By Gisela M.A. Richter
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Germany fascicule 10, Heidelberg, University, fascicule 1 (p. 343)
By Konrad Schauenburg
Reviewed by Dietrich von Bothmer
Attic Vase Paintings in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston: Part II, Text Nos. 66–113 (pp. 344–346)
By J.D. Beazley
Reviewed by Lucy Talcott
The Farwell Collection (pp. 346–347)
By Franklin P. Johnson
Reviewed by A.D. Trendall
Greek Coins. A History of Metallic Currency and Coinage down to the Fall of the Hellenistic Kingdoms (pp. 347–349)
By Charles Seltman
Reviewed by Cornelius Vermeule
Opuscula Romana. Vol. I (pp. 349–351)
Reviewed by Cornelius Vermeule
The Roman Town and Villa at Great Casterton Rutland. Second Interim Report for the Years 1951–1953 (pp. 351–352)
By Philip Corder
Reviewed by Cornelius Vermeule
Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek (Netherlands Year-Book for History of Art), Vol. 5, 1954 (pp. 352–354)
By G.J. Hoogewerff
Reviewed by Cornelius Vermeule
Festschrift des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums in Mainz 1952 (pp. 354–355)
By Hans Klumbach
Reviewed by Howard Comfort
The Book of Beasts (pp. 355–356)
By T.H. White
Reviewed by Richard H. Randall, Jr.
Catalogue of Astrological and Mythological Illuminated Manuscripts of the Latin Middle Ages, Vol. III, 1–2. Manuscripts in English Libraries (pp. 356–357)
By Fritz Saxl, Hans Meier, and Harry Bober
Reviewed by Lilian M.C. Randall
Early Man in America, a Study in Prehistory (pp. 357–358)
By E.H. Sellards
Reviewed by Ruth D. Simpson
The Horse in Blackfoot Indian Culture (p. 358)
By John C. Ewers
Reviewed by Frank Gilbert Roe
The Burial Complex of the Reigh Site, Winnebago County, Wisconsin (pp. 358–360)
By David A. Baerreis, Hiroshi Daifuku, and James E. Lundsted
Reviewed by Albert C. Spaulding
Prehistoric Stone Implements of Northeastern Arizona (p. 360)
By Richard B. Woodbury
Reviewed by Herbert W. Dick
Archeological Excavations in Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, 1950 (pp. 360–361)
By James A. Lancaster, Jean M. Pinkley, Philip F. van Cleave, and Don Watson
Reviewed by Watson Smith