January 1956 (60.1)
Browse the content of the issue below.
Browse the content of the issue below.
Unpublished Greek Vases in the Robinson Collection (pp. 1–25)
David M. Robinson
A Roman Sourcebook for the Stage (pp. 27–33)
A.M.G. Little
Other Geometric Objects in Baltimore (pp. 35–42)
Dorothy Kent Hill
A Tomb of the Early Classical Period at Bamboula (pp. 43–50)
J.L. Benson
Ancient Towers on the Island of Siphnos (pp. 51–55)
John H. Young
A Philosophic Allegory? (pp. 57–61)
Franklin P. Johnson
Charles Rufus Morey (pp. 63–64)
A History of Egyptian Architecture, Vol. I (pp. 65–67)
By Alexander Badawy
Reviewed by E. Baldwin Smith
Shaheinab: An Account of the Excavation of a Neolithic Occupation Site Carried Out for the Sudan Antiquities Service in 1949–1950 (pp. 67–68)
By A.J. Arkell
Reviewed by William Kelly Simpson
A Papyrus of the Late Middle Kingdom in the Brooklyn Museum (pp. 68–70)
By William C. Hayes
Reviewed by John A. Wilson
The Temple of Hibis in el Khargeh Oasis. Part III. The Decoration (p. 70)
By Norman de Garis Davies, Ludlow Bull, and Lindsley F. Hall
Reviewed by John A. Wilson
Stratified Cylinder Seals from the Diyala Region (pp. 70–72)
By H. Frankfort
Reviewed by Briggs W. Buchanan
Four Tomb Groups from Jordan (pp. 72–73)
By G. Lankester Harding
Reviewed by Karl Katz
Kerameikos. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen (pp. 73–74)
By Karl Kübler
Reviewed by Eva Brann
The Great Centuries of Painting, by Albert Skira; Etruscan Painting, by Massimo Pallottino; Roman Painting, by Amedeo Maiuri (pp. 74–78)
Reviewed by A. Rumpf
Early Rome (pp. 78–79)
By Einar Gjerstad
Reviewed by Louise Adams Holland
Beiträge zur Topographie des Forum-Boarium-Gebietes in Rom (pp. 79–80)
By Helge Lyngby
Reviewed by Louise Adams Holland
Une Mosaïque Romaine de Ulpia Oescus (pp. 80–81)
By Teofil Ivanov
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber
Beiträge zur älteren europäischen Kulturgeschichte, Festschrift für Rudolf Egger (p. 82)
By G. Moro
Reviewed by Howard Comport
Elfenbeinarbeiten der Spätantike und des Frühen Mittelalters (pp. 82–88)
By Wolfgang Fritz Volbach
Reviewed by Edward Capps, Jr.
Early Christian Ivories (pp. 88–89)
By Joseph Natanson
Reviewed by Edward Capps, Jr.
Late Classical and Mediaeval Studies in Honor of Albert Mathias Friend, Jr. (pp. 89–91)
By Kurt Weitzmann
Reviewed by Lilian M. C. Randall
Ἡ ξυλόστεγος παλαιοχριστιανικὴ βασιλικὴ τη̑ς μεσογειακη̑ς λεκάνης (pp. 91–93)
By Ἀναστασίον K. Ὀρλάνδου
Reviewed by G. Downey
Errata: Vol. 59, No. 4 (p. 94)