October 1960 (64.4)

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Volume Index

Volume 64 (1960) Index (Open Access)


The Technique of Attic Vase-Painting (pp. 307–318)
Joseph V. Noble

The Development of the Lion-Griffin (pp. 319–328)
Bernard Goldman

Windows, Recesses, and the Piano Nobile in the Minoan Palaces (pp. 329–333)
J. Walter Graham

The Minoan Unit of Length and Minoan Palace Planning (pp. 335–341)
J. Walter Graham

Problems of Hera’s Cult-Images (pp. 343–358)
Chrysoula Kardara

News Letter from Rome (pp. 359–364)
A.W. van Buren

Archaeological Notes

The Woman-Eros Painter, a Late Apulian Artist (pp. 365–366)
Alexander Cambitoglou

Two Fragments of a Geometric Stand in Toronto and Athens (pp. 366–367)
Alexander Cambitoglou

On Salamis: Letter to the Editor (pp. 367–368)
N.G.L. Hammond

The Origin of the Etruscan-Samian Griffon Cauldron (pp. 368–370)
Clark Hopkins

ΤΡΙΓΛΩΧΙΣ (pp. 370–371)
Wallace E. McLeod

Book Reviews

Kösten, ein Werkplatz des praesolutréen in Oberfranken (pp. 373–374)
By Lothar F. Zotz
Reviewed by Olaf H. Prufer

Der Überfangguss. Ein Beitrag zur vergeschichtlichen Metalltechnik (pp. 374–375)
By Hans Drescher
Reviewed by Herbert Maryon

Pattern and Purpose. A Survey of Early Celtic Art in Britain (p. 375)
By Cyril Fox
Reviewed by B. Philip Lozinski

Pharaonic Policies and Administration, 663 to 323 B.C. (pp. 375–376)
By Mary Francis Gyles
Reviewed by C. Bradford Welles

The Tomb of Tjanefer at Thebes (pp. 376–377)
By Keith C. Seele
Reviewed by Edward L.B. Terrace

Hethitische Totenrituale (pp. 377–378)
By Heinrich Otten
Reviewed by Albrecht Goetze

De la plaine pamphylienne aux lacs pisidiens: nomadisme et vie paysanne (pp. 378–379)
By Xavier de Planhol
Reviewed by Machteld J. Mellink

The Antiquities of Jordan (pp. 379–380)
By G. Lankester Harding
Reviewed by A.D. Tushingham

Archaeological Survey of the Knossos Area (p. 380)
By M.S.F. Hood
Reviewed by J. Walter Graham

Minoica. Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag von Johannes Sundwall (pp. 380–381)
By Ernst Grumach
Reviewed by Sara A. Immerwahr

Aghios Kosmas: An Early Bronze Age Settlement and Cemetery in Attica (pp. 381–382)
By George E. Mylonas
Reviewed by Hetty Goldman

History and the Homeric Iliad (pp. 382–383)
By Denys L. Page
Reviewed by Mabel Lang

From Mycenae to Homer. A Study in Early Greek Literature and Art (p. 383)
By T.B.L. Webster
Reviewed by George E. Mylonas

Atlas of the Classical World (pp. 383–384)
By A.A.M. van der Heyden and H.H. Scullard
Reviewed by Dorothy Kent Hill

Charites. Studien zur Altertumswissenschaft (p. 384)
By Konrad Schauenburg
Reviewed by Dorothy Kent Hill

The Greeks and Their Eastern Neighbours: Studies in the Relations between Greece and the Countries of the Near East in the Eighth and Seventh Centuries B.C. (pp. 385–387)
By T.J. Dunbabin and John Boardman
Reviewed by Rodney S. Young              

Samothrace. Vol. I, The Ancient Literary Sources (pp. 387–388)
By Karl Lehmann and N. Lewis
Reviewed by Morton Smith

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum (p. 388)
By Werner Müller
Reviewed by Patricia Lawrence

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Athènes, 2 (pp. 388–390)
By Semni Karouzou
Reviewed by Alexander Cambitoglou

Attische Plastik vom Tode des Phidias bis zum Wirken der grossen Meister des IV. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. (pp. 390–392)
By Tobias Dohrn
Reviewed by Rhys Carpenter

Die Vorbilder der neuattischen Reliefs (pp. 392–393)
By Werner Fuchs
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber

Sculture greche e romane di Cirene (pp. 393–394)
By L. Polacco, L. Beschi, F. Bertocchi, G. Traversari, E. de Franchi, and M.T. Fortuna
Reviewed by Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

Le iscrizioni di Ercolano (p. 394)
By M. Della Corte
Reviewed by L. Richardson, Jr.

La civilisation de l’Afrique romaine (pp. 394–395)
By Gilbert Charles-Picard
Reviewed by Richard M. Haywood

Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie, Vol. V: Émésène (p. 395)
By Louis Jalabert and René Mouterde
Reviewed by Glanville Downey

The Excavations at Dura-Europos. Final Report V, Part I, the Parchments and Papyri (pp. 396–397)
By C. Bradford Welles, Robert O. Fink, and J. Frank Gilliam
Reviewed by John Day

The Numismatic Iconography of Justinian II (685–695, 705–711 A.D.) (p. 397)
By James D. Breckenridge
Reviewed by George L. Kustas

Ancient Mexico, An Introduction to the Prehispanic Cultures (pp. 397–399)
By Frederick A. Peterson
Reviewed by Gareth W. Lowe