July 1963 (67.3)
Browse the content of the issue below.
Browse the content of the issue below.
Procopius’ De Aedificiis and the Topography of Thermopylae (pp. 241–255)
Pierre A. Mackay
Alphabetized Inscriptions from Smyrna in Bowdoin and Leyden (pp. 257–268)
Sterling Dow
Ancient Egyptian Jewelry in the Horace L. Mayer Collection (pp. 269–274)
Edward L.B. Terrace
A Satyr in Pergamene Style in Kansas City (pp. 275–278)
Margarete Bieber
News Letter from Greece (pp. 279–283)
Eugene Vanderpool
The Inscription of Diogenes of Oenoanda (pp. 285–286)
C.W. Chilton
Stream Changes during Historic Time in East-Central Sicily (pp. 287–289)
Sheldon Judson
A Tomb Group of the Fourth Century B.C. from the Area of Morgantina (pp. 289–291)
R. Ross Holloway
A Series of Notes in Four Parts on Campanian Megalography B. Numerical Grouping at the Villa Item and the Balance of Opposites (pp. 291–294)
Alan M.G. Little
The Applied Science Center for Archaeology (pp. 294–295)
Froelich Rainey
Did Strabo Visit Athens? (pp. 296–300)
Lawrence Waddy
John Papadimitriou (p. 301)
John L. Caskey
Géographie de l’Égypte ancienne. Deuxième partie. La haute Egypte (pp. 302–305)
By Pierre Montet
Reviewed by Henry G. Fischer
The Art of the Ancient Near East in Boston. Museum of Fine Arts (p. 305)
By Edward L.B. Terrace
Reviewed by Guitty Azarpay
Inscriptions in the Minoan Linear Script of Class A (pp. 305–306)
By W.C. Brice
Reviewed by Emily Vermeule
Les outils de bronze, de l'Indus au Danube (IVe au IIe Millénaire) (pp. 306–307)
By Jean Deshayes
Reviewed by Machteld J. Mellink
Ancient Landscapes. Studies in Field Archaeology (p. 308)
By John Bradford
Reviewed by Jotham Johnson
Fonti per la storia greca e romana del Salento (pp. 308–309)
By Giancarlo Susini
Reviewed by Robert E.A. Palmer
Perseus in der Kunst des Altertums (pp. 309–310)
By Konrad Schauenburg
Reviewed by Michael H. Jameson
Greek Masterworks of Art Rue (p. 310)
By Max Wegner and Charlotte La
Reviewed by John E. Rexine
Il sale della terra, materia pittorica dell'antichità (pp. 310–311)
By Elena Schiavi
Reviewed by Joseph V. Noble
Samothrace, 4, 1. The Hall of Votive Gifts (pp. 311–312)
By Karl Lehmann
Reviewed by William P. Donovan
L’Architecture de L’Argolide aux IVe et IIIe siècles avant J.-C. (pp. 312–313)
By Georges Roux
Reviewed by Charles K. Williams
Coastal Demes of Attica, A Study of the Policy of Kleisthenes (p. 313)
By C.M. Eliot
Reviewed by A.E. Raubitschek
La vie quotidienne chez les étrusques (pp. 313–314)
By Jacques Heurgon
Reviewed by Emeline Hill Richardson
I rapporti romano-ceriti e l’origine della civitas sine suffragio (pp. 314–315)
By Marta Sordi
Reviewed by Robert E.A. Palmer
Roman Ostia (pp. 315–317)
By Russell Meiggs
Reviewed by Henry T. Rowell
Das Staedtewesen in Nordafrika von der Zeit von C. Gracchus bis zum Tode des Kaisers Augustus (pp. 317–318)
By Leo Teutsch
Reviewed by Richard M. Haywood
Mogontiacum, Neue Untersuchungen am Römischen Legionslager in Mainz (pp. 318–319)
By Dietwulf Baatz
Reviewed by Howard Comfort
Early Roman Coinage II and III (Nationalmuseets Skrifter, Arkaeologisk-Historisk Raekke, Vols. IX and X) (pp. 319–320)
By Rudi Thomsen
Reviewed by T.V. Buttrey
Die römischen Mosaiken der Schweiz (pp. 320–321)
By Victorine von Gonzenbach
Reviewed by Edith B. Thomas
Scavi di Ostia, IV. Mosaici e pavimenti marmorei (pp. 321–322)
By Giovanni Becatti
Reviewed by D.J. Smith
Les inscriptions antiques de Paris (p. 322)
By Paul-Marie Duval
Reviewed by Olwen Brogan
The Art and Architecture of Ancient America. The Mexican, Maya, and Andean Peoples (pp. 323–324)
By George Kubler
Reviewed by Tatiana Proskouriakoff
Textiles of Ancient Peru and Their Techniques (pp. 324–326)
By Raoul d’Harcourt, Grace G. Denny, Carolyn M. Osborne, and Sadie Brown
Reviewed by Mary Elizabeth King
The Cerro Colorado Site and Pithouse Architecture in the Southwestern United States Prior to A.D. 900 (pp. 326–327)
By William Rotch Bullard
Reviewed by Watson Smith
Mayapan, Yucatan, Mexico (pp. 327–330)
By H.E.D. Pollock, Ralph L. Roys, T. Proskouriakoff, and A.L. Smith
Reviewed by William A. Haviland and Hatttula Moholy-Nagy
Archaeology of Easter Island (pp. 330–331)
By Thor Heyerdahl and Edwin N. Ferdon
Reviewed by Betty J. Meggers
Excavations at Morgantina (Serra Orlando) 1962: Preliminary Report VII (p. 332)