October 1966 (70.4)

Browse the content of the issue below.


Volume Index

Volume 70 (1967) Index (Open Access)


Aegean Place-Names in an Egyptian Inscription (pp. 313–317)
Michael C. Astour

The Deme of Marathon and the Herakleion (pp. 319–323)
Eugene Vanderpool

An Alexandrian Tomb-Group Re-Examined (pp. 325–330)
Brian F. Cook

Philistine Tombs at Tell Fara and Their Aegean Prototypes (pp. 331–340)
Jane C. Waldbaum

Bellerophon and the Chimaera in Archaic Greek Art (pp. 341–347)
Marilyn Low Schmitt

News Letter from Rome (pp. 349–361)
A.W. van Buren

Archaeological Notes

A Series of Notes in Three Parts on Greek Pictorial Composition (pp. 363–366)
Alan M.G. Little

An Unpublished Cup by Makron in Philadelphia (pp. 366–368)
Ann Harnwell Ashmead and Kyle Meredith Phillips, Jr.

The Vapheio Gems: A Note of Clarification (pp. 368–369)
John H. Betts

An Onesimos Fragment in Philadelphia (pp. 369–370)
Sevim Buluç

The Monumental Prehistoric Clay Figures of the Middle Balkans (pp. 370–371)
Radoslav Galović

A Hellenistic Landscape Relief (pp. 371–373)
George M.A. Hanfmann

On Believing Fioravanti (p. 373)
Franklin P. Johnson

The Toothed Chisel in Pasargadae: Further Notes on Old Persian Stonecutting (pp. 373–376)
Carl Nylander

A Note on the Death of Aigisthos (pp. 377–378)
Elizabeth Gummey Pemberton

Book Reviews

Beycesultan, Vol. II, Middle Bronze Age Architecture and Pottery (pp. 379–380)
By Seton Lloyd and James Mellaart
Reviewed by Jeanny Vorys Canby

The Art of Ancient Iran (pp. 380–381)
By Edith Porada
Reviewed by Oscar White Muscarella

The Predynastic Cemetery N 7000, Naga-ed-Dêr, Part IV (p. 381)
By Albert M. Lythgoe and Dows Dunham
Reviewed by Hans Goedicke

Horemheb et la reine Moutned Jemet ou la fin d’une dynastie (pp. 381–382)
By Robert Hari
Reviewed by Alan R. Schulman

Archaic and Archaistic Sculpture (pp. 382–386)
By Evelyn B. Harrison
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber

The Techniques of Painted Attic Pottery (pp. 386–387)
By Joseph Veach Noble
Reviewed by Marie Farnsworth

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Deutschland, Fascicule 24, Gotha, Fascicule I (pp. 387–388)
By Elisabeth Rohde
Reviewed by David Gordon Mitten

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Roumanie I, Bucarest I (pp. 388–389)
By Suzana Dimitriu and Petre Alexandrescu
Reviewed by Dietrich von Bothmer

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Deutschland, Fascicule 26, Stuttgart, Fascicule I (p. 389)
By Erika Kunze-Götte
Reviewed by Brian F. Cook

Meligunis-Lipára. Vol. 2, La Necropoli greca e romana nella Contrada Diana (pp. 389–391)
By L. Bernabò-Brea and Madeleine Cavalier
Reviewed by Erik Sjöqvist

The Iron Age Culture of Latium: II. Excavations and Finds. I. The Alban Hills (pp. 391–392)
By Pär Göran Gierow
Reviewed by Emeline Hill Richardson

Art Forms and Civic Life in the Late Roman Empire (p. 392)
By H.P. L’Orange
Reviewed by James D. Breckenridge

The Archaeology of New York State (pp. 392–393)
By William A. Ritchie
Reviewed by Douglas S. Byers