October 1972 (76.4)

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Volume Index

Volume 76 (1972) Index (Open Access)


The South Frieze of the Nike Temple and the Marathon Painting in the Painted Stoa (pp. 353–378)
Evelyn B. Harrison

Achilles and Deidamia on the Portland Vase (pp. 379–391)
Edwin L. Brown

A Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Knidos, 1971 (pp. 393–405)
Iris Cornelia Love

Excavations at Stobi, 1971 (pp. 407–424)
James Wiseman and Djordje Mano-Zissi

The Building History of the Sardis Synagogue (pp. 425–435)
Andrew R. Seager

Archaeological Notes

A Goat–Chariot on the Hagia Triada Sarcophagus: A Further Note (p. 437)
Jean Porter Nauert

An Unusual Attic Baby Feeder (pp. 437–438)
Joseph Veach Noble

Tappeto (pp. 438–440)
Alan Wace

Book Reviews

Gezer I: Preliminary Report of the 1964–66 Seasons (pp. 441–442)
By William G. Dever, H. Darrell Lance, and G. Ernest Wright
Reviewed by Walter E. Rast

Die vorklassischen Hausformen in der Ägäis (pp. 442–443)
By Stefan Sinos
Reviewed by Joseph W. Shaw

Excavations in the Necropolis of Salamis, II (pp. 443–444)
By V. Karageorghis
Reviewed by H.W. Catling

The Highlands of Phrygia-Sites and Monuments (pp. 444–447)
By C.H. Emilie Haspels
Reviewed by Rodney S. Young                                                     

Zakros: The Discovery of a Lost Palace of Ancient Crete (p. 447)
By Nicholas Platon
Reviewed by J. Walter Graham

Iraklion Archaeologisches, Museum, Teil 5, Die Siegelabdrücke von Phästos (pp. 447–449)
By Ingo Pini
Reviewed by Agnes Sakellariou

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Germany 31, Heidelberg 4 (pp. 449–450)
By H. Gropengiesser
Reviewed by M.F. Jongkees-Vos

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, U.S.A. 15, the Cleveland Museum of Art 1 (p. 450)
By Cedric G. Boulter
Reviewed by Ann Harnwell Ashmead

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Italy XLIX, Milan, Collezione “H.A.,” I (pp. 451–452)
By Gemma Sena Chiesa
Reviewed by A.D. Trendall

Corpus Inscriptionum Etruscarum, Vol. 2, Section 1, Fascicle 4 (pp. 452–453)
By Mauro Cristofani
Reviewed by Henry M. Hoenigswald

Teatri classici in Asia Minore, 3, citta dalla Troade alla Pamfilia (p. 453)
By Daria de Bernardi Ferrero
Reviewed by Oscar Broneer

Perspective in Greek and Roman Art (pp. 453–454)
By Gisela M.A. Richter
Reviewed by Alan M.G. Little

Roman Perspective Painting and the Ancient Stage (pp. 454–456)
By Alan M.G. Little
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber

Dating Techniques for the Archaeologist (pp. 456–457)
By Henry N. Michael and Elizabeth K. Ralph
Reviewed by Robert F. Heizer

Olmec, an Early Art Style of Pre-Columbian Mexico (pp. 457–459)
By Charles R. Wicke
Reviewed by Paul Tolstoy

Mug House, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado (pp. 459–460)
By Arthur H. Rohn
Reviewed by Elizabeth Ann Morris

The Archaeology of Michigan, a Guide to the Prehistory of the Great Lakes Region (pp. 460–461)
By James E. Fitting
Reviewed by Ronald J. Mason