January 1973 (77.1)
Browse the content of the issue below.
Browse the content of the issue below.
Some Semitic Epigraphical Considerations on the Antiquity of the Greek Alphabet (pp. 1–8)
Joseph Naveh
The Date of the West Building at the Argive Heraion (pp. 9–18)
Stephen G. Miller
Braziers in the Bodrum Museum (pp. 19–25)
Marie Ryan Leonard
The Discovery of a Large Vineyard at Pompeii: University of Maryland Excavations, 1970 (pp. 27–41)
Wilhelmina F. Jashemski
New Evidence for the Republican Aedes Vestae (pp. 43–50)
Jane M. Cody
Archaeological News from Cyprus, 1971 (pp. 51–60)
Kyriakos Nicolaou
Menander: An Inscribed Bust (p. 61)
Bernard Ashmole
Linear A Fractions: A New Approach (pp. 61–65)
Jon C. Billigmeier
An Iberian Sherd in Yugoslavia (pp. 65–66)
Mario A. del Chiaro
An Enigma in Pella: The Tholos and Herakles Phylakos (pp. 66–71)
Theodora Hadzisteliou Price
New Attributions of Attic Kyathoi (pp. 71–73)
Michael M. Eisman
The Siren’s Name on a Corinthian Aryballos (pp. 73–74)
M.G. Kanowski
Mycenaean Roads in Phocis (pp. 74–77)
Edward W. Kase
The Origins of the Greek Colony at Panticapaeum (pp. 77–81)
Thomas S. Noonan
Corpus du Scarabée Egyptien: Tome Premier: Les Scarabées Royaux (p. 83)
By Fouad S. Matouk
Reviewed by Hans Goedicke
Untersuchungen zur späthethitischen Kunst (pp. 83–84)
By Winfried Orthmann
Reviewed by Hans G. Güterbock
The Cypriote Bronze Age Pottery Found in Egypt (pp. 84–85)
By R.S. Merrillees
Reviewed by Edith Porada
Europe’s First Monumental Sculpture: New Discoveries at Lepenski Vir (pp. 85–86)
By Dragoslav Srejović and Lovett F. Edwards
Reviewed by Stephen Foltiny
La Civilisation de La Tène i en Champagne. Le facies Marnien (pp. 86–87)
By Denise Bretz-Mahler
Reviewed by John Coles
Archaeologia Homerica: Die Denkmäler und das frühgriechische Epos (pp. 87–88)
By Friedrich Matz and Hans-Günter Buchholz
Reviewed by Maria C. Shaw
Die Funde der frühen Dimini-Zeit aus der Arapi Magula, Thessalien (pp. 88–89)
By H. Hauptmann and V. Milojčic
Reviewed by Karen D. Vitelli
Reviewed by Niki C. Scoufopoulos
Prothesis and Ekphora in Greek Geometric Art (pp. 90–91)
By Gudrun Ahlberg
Reviewed by J.L. Benson
The Athenian Agora, XIII. The Neolithic and Bronze Ages (pp. 92–93)
By Sara Anderson Immerwahr
Reviewed by T.W. Jacobsen
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Germany Fasc. 32, Munich, Museum Antiker Kleinkunst Fasc. 7 (pp. 93–94)
By Erika Kunze-Götte
Reviewed by Isabelle K. Raubitschek
Thorikos (pp. 94–98)
By H.F. Mussche
Reviewed by David Gordon Mitten
Bronzes grecs, hellénistiques et étrusques (sardes ibériques et celtiques) des musées de Lyon (pp. 98–99)
By S. Boucher
Reviewed by Emeline Richardson
Antike Plastik, Lieferung X (pp. 99–100)
By W.-H. Schuchhardt
Reviewed by Elizabeth Gummey Pemberton
Problems concerning the Origin and Early Development of the Etruscan Orientalizing Style (pp. 100–102)
By Ingrid Strøm
Reviewed by Larissa Bonfante Warren
Civiltà artistica etrusco-italica (pp. 102–103)
By Massimo Pallottino
Reviewed by Ingrid Edlund Gantz
Vulci étrusque et étrusque-romaine (pp. 103–104)
By Alain Hus
Reviewed by Mario A. del Chiaro
Céramique étrusco-campanienne à vernis noir, Fasc. 1 (pp. 104–105)
By André Balland
Reviewed by János György Szilágyi
Soldier and Civilian in Roman Yorkshire, Essays to Commemorate the Nineteenth Centenary of the Foundation of York (England) (p. 105)
by R.M. Butler
Reviewed by Ruth Ilsley Hicks
Die römische Orgel von Aquincum (pp. 105–106)
By Werner Walcker-Mayer
Reviewed by Douglas Feaver
Marmora Romana (pp. 106–107)
By Raniero Gnoli
Reviewed by Richard Brilliant
La colonne ciselée dans la Gaule romaine (pp. 107–108)
By Hélène Walter
Reviewed by Fred S. Kleiner
Béziers et son territoire dans l’antiquité (pp. 108–109)
By Monique Clavel
Reviewed by Fred S. Kleiner
Lampes de Carthage (pp. 109–110)
By Jean Deneauve
Reviewed by Hector Williams
Les mosaïques de Timgad: Etude descriptive et analytique (pp. 110–111)
By Suzanne Germain
Reviewed by Blanche R. Brown
Catalogue des monnaies byzantines de la Bibliothèque Nationale (pp. 111–113)
By Cécile Morrisson
Reviewed by James D. Breckenridge
Les Collections d’archéologie régionale du Musée de Mariemont. Tome II: Les nécropoles mérovingiennes (pp. 113–114)
By G. Faider-Feytmans
Reviewed by Josephine M. Harris
Die Schweiz zur Merowingerzeit. Die archäologische Hinterlassenschaft der Romanen, Burgunder und Alamannen (p. 114)
By Rudolf Moosbrugger-Leu
Reviewed by Josephine M. Harris
Mosaic: History and Technique (pp. 114–115)
By Peter Fischer
Reviewed by D.J. Smith
Animals in Art and Thought to the End of the Middle Ages (pp. 115–116)
By Francis Klingender, Evelyn Antal, and John Harthan
Reviewed by Morton Smith
Archaeology of Northern Mesoamerica, Parts One and Two (pp. 116–117)
By Gordon F. Ekholm and Ignacio Bernal
Reviewed by Michael D. Coe
Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in the Texcoco Region, Mexico (pp. 117–118)
By Jeffrey R. Parsons
Reviewed by Joseph W. Michels
Onondaga Iroquois Prehistory, A Study in Settlement Archaeology (pp. 118–120)
By James A. Tuck
Reviewed by Robert E. Funk