July 1973 (77.3)
Browse the content of the issue below.
Browse the content of the issue below.
The Pylos Ma Tablets Reconsidered (pp. 261–275)
Cynthia W. Shelmerdine
The Geography of the Further Province of Pylos (pp. 276–278)
John Chadwick
The Beginnings of Animal Domestication in the near East (pp. 279–282)
Dexter Perkins, Jr.
Current Research in the Neolithic of South Central Turkey: Suberde, Erbaba and Their Chronological Implications (pp. 282–288)
Jacques Bordaz
Tall-i-Malyan and the Chronology of the Kur River Basin, Iran (pp. 288–290)
William M. Sumner
The Inscriptions of Tiglath-Pileser III, King of Assyria (pp. 290–291)
Hayim Tadmor
Excavations at Karataş-Semayük and Elmali, Lycia, 1972 (pp. 293–307)
Machteld J. Mellink and J. Lawrence Angel
A Coptic Representation of Thetis at the Forge of Hephaistos (pp. 309–318)
Suzanne Lewis
Bryn Mawr College Excavations in Tuscany, 1972 (pp. 319–326)
Kyle Meredith Phillips, Jr.
A University of California, Santa Barbara Excavation in Tuscany (pp. 327–331)
Mario A. del Chiaro and Anna Talocchini
The Polyp Workshop: A Stylistic Group from LM IB (pp. 333–334)
Philip P. Betancourt
An Etruscan Textile in Newark (pp. 334–336)
Diane Lee Carroll
The Site of the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Reexcavated (pp. 336–338)
Kristian Jeppesen and Ian Zahle
The Vapheio Gems: A Reconsideration of the Find-Spots (pp. 338–340)
John G. Younger
Conversion Charts for Equivalents of Length between the English-American and Metric Systems (pp. 340–342)
Raymond V. Schoder
Conservation in Field Archaeology (p. 343)
By Elizabeth A. Dowman
Reviewed by Terry Sue Drayman
Soleb II: Les Necropoles (p. 344)
By Michela Schiff Giorgini
Reviewed by Hans Goedicke
Ivories in Assyrian Style, Commentary, Catalogue and Plates (pp. 344–345)
By Max Mallowan and Leri Glynne Davies
Reviewed by Jeanny Vorys Canby
Archaeology in Soviet Central Asia (pp. 345–346)
By Grégoire Frumkin
Reviewed by Guitty Azarpay
The Emergence of Civilization. The Cyclades and the Aegean in the Third Millennium B.C. (pp. 346–349)
By Colin Renfrew
Reviewed by Steven Diamant
Art and Experience in Classical Greece (p. 349)
By J.J. Pollitt
Reviewed by Rhys Carpenter
Die Prohedrie des Dionysostheaters in Athen (pp. 349–350)
By Michael Maass
Reviewed by Daniel Kennedy Clift
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Italy L, Palermo, Collezione Mormino 1 (pp. 350–351)
By Juliette de la Genière
Reviewed by Michael M. Eisman
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Italy fasc. LI, Milan, Collection “H. A.” II (pp. 351–352)
By Enrico Paribeni
Reviewed by Ann Harnwell Ashmead
Catalogo dei vasi della Collezione Augusto Castellani, II (pp. 352–353)
By Paolino Mingazzini
Reviewed by Dietrich von Bothmer
Zur Chronologie mittelhellenistischer Münzserien 220–160 V. Chr. (pp. 353–354)
By Christof Boehringer
Reviewed by Fred S. Kleiner
Buccheri a cilindretto di fabbrica Orvietana (p. 354)
By Giovannangelo Camporeale
Reviewed by Mario A. del Chiaro
Corpus signorum imperii romani, Pologne, Les portraits romains dans les collections polonaises (p. 355)
By Anna Sadurska
Reviewed by Rolf Winkes
The Engraved Gems of the Greeks, Etruscans and Romans. Part II: Engraved Gems of the Romans (pp. 355–356)
By G.M.A. Richter
Reviewed by Marie-Louise Vollenweider
Journeys in Rough Cilicia 1964–1968 (pp. 356–357)
By George Ewart Bean and Terence Bruce Mitford
Reviewed by Peter Z. Spanos
Trierer Reliefsigillata-Werkstatt I (pp. 357–358)
By Ingeborg Huld-Zetsche
Reviewed by Howard Comfort
Late Roman Pottery. A Catalogue of Roman Fine Wares (pp. 358–359)
By J.W. Hayes
Reviewed by F.O. Waage
The Frederick M. Watkins Collection (p. 360)
Reviewed by Dorothy Kent Hill
A Commentary on the Dresden Codex, a Maya Hieroglyphic Book (pp. 360–361)
By J. Eric S. Thompson
Reviewed by John A. Graham
Pre-Columbian Man Finds Central America: The Archaeological Bridge (pp. 361–362)
By Doris Stone
Reviewed by Olga F. Linares
Environmental Archaeology and Cultural Systems in Hamilton Inlet, Labrador: A Survey of the Central Labrador Coast from 3000 B.C. to the Present (pp. 362–363)
By William W. Fitzhugh
Reviewed by Clifford G. Hickey
Hogup Cave (pp. 363–364)
By C. Melvin Aikens
Reviewed by J. Richard Ambler