January 1980 (84.1)

Browse the content of the issue below.



Editorial Note (p. 1)
Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway and Tamara Stech Wheeler


Middle Chalcolithic Pottery from Southwestern Anatolia (pp. 5–14)
Christine Eslick

The Anopaia Path at Thermopylai (pp. 15–23)
Paul W. Wallace

Two Trojan Themes: The Iconography of Ajax Carrying the Body of Achilles and of Aeneas Carrying Anchises in Black Figure Vase Painting (pp. 25–40)
Susan Woodford and Margot Loudon

The Archaistic Athena Promachos in Early Hellenistic Coinages (pp. 41–50)
Christine Mitchell Havelock

The Approach to the Temple of Saturn in Rome (pp. 51–62)
L. Richardson, Jr.

Archaeological News from Cyprus, 1977–1978 (pp. 63–73)
Kyriakos Nicolaou

North African News Letter 2 (pp. 75–87)
John H. Humphrey

Archaeological Notes

Some Recycled Vases in the West Cemetery at Eleusis (pp. 89–90)
John C. Overbeck

Four Bronzes in the Hirshhorn Museum (pp. 90–91)
Dorothy Kent Hill

Analysis of a Clay Sample from an Etruscan Statue Found at Veii (pp. 91–92)
William M. Gaugler and Robert N. Anderson

A Wild Chous Chase (pp. 92–93)
F.D. Harvey

The “Romulean” Gates of the Palatine (pp. 93–96)
Harry B. Evans

A Proposal for the Reuse of the Tower of the Winds (pp. 96–99)
David B. Small

Book Reviews

Excavations at Nichoria in Southwest Greece, Vol. I: Site, Environs, and Techniques (pp. 101–102)
By George Rapp and Stanley E. Aschenbrenner
Reviewed by J.D. Muhly

Fouilles de Delphes v,3. les trépieds à cuve clouée (pp. 102–103)
By Claude Rolley
Reviewed by P. Gregory Warden

Hephaistos. Der Schmiedegott in der antiken Kunst (pp. 103–105)
By Frank Brommer
Reviewed by Martin Robertson

The Attic Pyxis (pp. 105–106)
By Sally Rutherfurd Roberts
Reviewed by Evelyn E. Bell

Plato and Greek Painting (pp. 106–108)
By Eva C. Keuls
Reviewed by Jerome J. Pollitt

The City-Reliefs of Lycia (pp. 108–109)
By William A.P. Childs
Reviewed by Nancy Hirschland Ramage

L’Architecture hellénique et hellénistique à Délos jusqu’à l’éviction des Déliens (166 AV J.-C.), Deuxième partie, grammaire historique de l'architecture délienne (pp. 109–110)
By René Vallois
Reviewed by Robert Scranton

The Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, Volume I: Early and Middle Apulian (pp. 110–112)
By A.D. Trendall and Alexander Cambitoglou
Reviewed by Eva C. Keuls

Die Gravierungen der praenestinischen Cisten (pp. 112–113)
By Gabriele Foerst
Reviewed by Richard Daniel DePuma

Altertümer von Pergamon XII, Kapikaya, ein Felsheiligtum bei Pergamon (pp. 113–115)
By K. Nohlen and W. Radt
Reviewed by Kathleen Slane Wright

Apollonia, the Port of Cyrene. Excavations by the University of Michigan 1965–1967 (p. 115)
By R.G. Goodchild, J.G. Pedley, D. White, and J.H. Humphrey
Reviewed by J.W. Hayes

Die Münzprägung der Lakedaimonier (pp. 116–117)
By Susanne Grunauer-von Hoerschelmann
Reviewed by William E. Metcalf

Die römischen Bronzen der Schweiz, I, Augst und das Gebiet der Colonia Augusta Raurica (pp. 117–118)
By Annemarie Kaufmann-Heinimann
Reviewed by Jean Ch. Balty

Recherches sur les bronzes figurés de Gaule préromaine et romaine (pp. 118–119)
By Stephanie Boucher
Reviewed by Dorothy Kent Hill

Katalog der römischen Gläser des rheinischen Landesmuseums Trier (pp. 119–120)
By Karin Goethert-Polaschek
Reviewed by Gladys Davidson Weinberg

Recent Dissertations in Archaeology

Recent Dissertations in Archaeology (pp. 122–123) 


The Archaeological Institute of America, 1879–1979: A Centennial Review (p. 123)