April 1980 (84.2)

Browse the content of the issue below.



The Treasure of Golden Hill (pp. 125–131)
V.I. Sarianidi

Ancient Marseille in the Light of Recent Excavations (pp. 133–140)
Maurice Euzennat

The Early Cycladic Period: Matters of Definition and Terminology (pp. 141–157)
R.L.N. Barber and J.A. MacGillivray

Turns and Lanes in the Ancient Stadium (pp. 159–166)
Stephen G. Miller

Painted “Ikria” at Mycenae? (pp. 167–179)
Maria C. Shaw

Archaeological Notes

The Amazon’s Belt (pp. 181–182)
John Boardman

An Archaic Kore from Cyrene (pp. 182–183)
Susan Kane

Another Dirty Trick Vase (pp. 183–184)
Michael Vickers

A New Corinthian Painter: The St. Raymond Painter (pp. 184–186)
Susan Snow Lukesh

Skyllaieis, A District of Troizenia (pp. 186–188)
Frank J. Frost


Eighty-First General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (pp. 190–242)

Book Reviews

Early Arad. The Chalcolithic Settlement and Early Bronze Age City. I. First-Fifth Seasons of Excavations, 1962–1966 (pp. 243–244)
By Ruth Amiran, Uzzi Paran, Yigal Shiloh, Rafi Brown, Yoram Tsafrir, and Amnon Ben-Tor
Reviewed by Patty Gerstenblith

Vasilike Ware. An Early Bronze Age Pottery Style in Crete. Results of the Philadelphia Vasilike Ware Project (pp. 244–245)
By Philip P. Betancourt
Reviewed by Gisela Walberg

Les idéogrammes archéologiques du Linear B (p. 245)
By Frieda Vandenabeele and Jean-Pierre Olivier
Reviewed by Mabel L. Lang

Götter- und Heldensagen der Griechen in der spätarchaischen Kunst (pp. 245–246)
By Karl Schefold and Luca Giuliani
Reviewed by Jocelyn Penny Small

Histria IV, La céramique d’époque archaïque et classique (pp. 246–247)
By Petre Alexandrescu
Reviewed by Michael M. Eisman

Die antike Glanztonkeramik, praktische Versuche (pp. 247–248)
By Adam Winter
Reviewed by Joseph Veach Noble

Monnaies grecques en Gaule. Le trésor d'Auriol et le monnayage de Massalia 525/520-460 av. J.C. (pp. 248-249)
By Andreas E. Furtwängler
Reviewed by Nancy M. Waggoner

Catalogue of the Engraved Gems and Finger Rings, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, I, Greek and Etruscan (pp. 250–251)
By John Boardman and Marie-Louise Vollenweider
Reviewed by Stella G. Miller

Catalogue of the Engraved Gems in the Royal Coin Cabinet, The Hague. The Greek, Etruscan and Roman Collections (pp. 251–252)
By Marianne Maaskant-Kleibrink
Reviewed by Stella G. Miller

The Land of the Ancient Corinthians (p. 252)
By James Wiseman
Reviewed by William R. Biers

Die Galateranatheme Attalos I (p. 253)
By Robert Wenning
Reviewed by Andrew Stewart

Römische Paraderüstungen by Jochen Garbsch; Der römische Verwahrfund von Eining (pp. 254–255)
By Hans-Jörg Kellner
Reviewed by Diana E.E. Kleiner and Fred S. Kleiner

Recherches archéologiques franco-tunisiennes à Mactar, I la Maison de Vénus, I Stratigraphies et étude des pavements (pp. 255–256)
By Gilbert Charles Picard, Colette Picard, Ariane Bourgeois, and Claude Bourgeois
Reviewed by David Parrish

The Mosaics of Roman North Africa: Studies in Iconography and Patronage (pp. 256–257)
By Katherine M.D. Dunbabin
Reviewed by D.J. Smith


Rhys Carpenter (pp. 260–261)
Machteld J. Mellink, Robert Whallon, and Patty Jo Watson