April 1982 (86.2)

Browse the content of the issue below.



The Study of Ancient Sculpture (pp. 155–157)
Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

The Sculptural Program of the Siphnian Treasury at Delphi (pp. 159–172)
Livingston Vance Watrous

Profiles of Korai (pp. 173–182)
Eleanor Guralnick

A Group of Early Sixth Century Korai and the Workshop on Chios (pp. 183–191)
John Griffiths Pedley

Archaic Greek Akroteria (pp. 193–217)
Marilyn Y. Goldberg

A Classicizing Statue in Ancient Corinth (pp. 219–226)
Mary C. Sturgeon

Archaeological Notes

Observations on the East Metopes of the Parthenon (pp. 227–229)
M.A. Tiverios

A Dedication of the Hebdomaistai to the Pythian Apollo (pp. 229–233)
Emmanuel Voutiras

An Etruscan Bronze Group (pp. 233–238)
P. Gregory Warden

A Roman Grave Altar Rediscovered (pp. 238–242)
G.B. Waywell

The Ara Pacis and the Child Nero: Julio-Claudian Commemorative Reliefs in Italy and Elsewhere (pp. 242–244)
C.C. Vermeule

The Bust of Philip the Arab in the Vatican: A Case for the Defense (pp. 244–247)
Susan Wood


The Eighty-Third General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (pp. 250–292)

Review Article

Recent Excavations at Carthage (pp. 293–296)
C.M. Wells

Book Reviews

Cambridge Encyclopedia of Archaeology (pp. 296–297)
By Andrew Sherratt
Reviewed by Julie Hansen

The Prehistory of Central Anatolia I: The Neolithic Period (pp. 297–298)
By Ian A. Todd
Reviewed by T.W. Jacobsen

The Cave of the Treasure: The Finds from the Caves of Niḥal Mishmar (pp. 298–299)
By Pessaḥ Bar-Adon
Reviewed by Tamara Stech

Canaanite Gods in Metal. An Archaeological Study of Ancient Syro-Palestinian Figurines (pp. 299–300)
By Ora Negbi
Reviewed by Jeanny Vorys Canby                                       

Fouilles Exécutées à Mallia. Le Quartier Mu, II: Vases de Pierre et de Métal, Vannerie, Figurines et Reliefs d’Applique, Éléments de Parure et de Décoration, Armes, Sceaux et Empreintes (pp. 300–301)
By Béatrice Detournay, Jean-Claude Poursat, and Frieda Vandenabeele
Reviewed by Karen Polinger Foster

Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici 21 (pp. 301–302)
Reviewed by Gisela Walberg

Ancient Art in Seals. Essays by Pierre Amiet, Nimet Özgüç and John Boardman (pp. 302–303)
By Edith Porada, Pierre Amiet, Nimet Özgüç, and John Boardman
Reviewed by Margaret Cool Root

Castulo 2 by José M. Blázquez; Excavaciones en El Cabezo de San Pedro (Huelva). Campaña de 1977 (p. 303)
By José M. Blázquez
Reviewed by Leonard A. Curchin

Mendes I (pp. 303–304)
By Robert K. Holz, David Stieglitz, Donald P. Hansen, Edward Ochsenschlager, Emma Swan Hall, and Bernard V. Bothmer
Reviewed by Karl M. Petruso          

The Etruscans, by Michael Grant; Les Etrusques et leur destin, by Alain Hus (pp. 304–305) 
Reviewed by Larissa Bonfante

Céramiques Hellénistiques et Romaines (pp. 305–306)
Reviewed by Susan I. Rotroff

Ptolemais Cyrenaica (pp. 306–307)
By David Nasgowitz
Reviewed by J.H. Humphrey

Proposta per una Classificazione del Terzo Stile Pompeiano (pp. 307–308)
By F.L. Bastet, Mariette de Vos, and A. de Vos
Reviewed by Peter H. von Blanckenhagen

Pompeii: The Electoral Programmata, Campaigns and Politics, A.D. 71–79 (pp. 308–309)
By James Franklin
Reviewed by T. Robert S. Broughton

Die römischen Bronzen der Schweiz, 3. Westschweiz Bern und Wallis (pp. 309–310)
By Annalis Leibundgut
Reviewed by Ellen Reeder Williams

Age of Spirituality: A Symposium (pp. 310–311)
By Kurt Weitzmann
Reviewed by Dale Kinney

La Villa del Poggio Imperiale (pp. 311–312)
By Gabriella Capecchi, Lucia Lepore, and Vincenzo Saladino
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann

Books Received

List of Books Received (pp. 312–314)


The Eruption of Vesuvius in A.D. 79 (pp. 315–316)


John Langdon Casky (1908–1981) (p. 317)
Machteld J. Mellink

Books Received

List of Books Received (pp. 312–314)