January 1984 (88.1)

Browse the content of the issue below.

AJA 1983-1986


Editorial Letter (p. 1)
Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway and Tamara Stech


Haft Tepe Roundels: An Example of Middle Elamite Art (pp. 3–10)
Ezat O. Negahban

The Thera Ships: Another Interpretation (pp. 11–19)
Avner Raban

Dog Burials in the Greek World (pp. 21–32)
Leslie Preston Day

The Lyde Browne Collection and the History of Ancient Sculpture in the Hermitage Museum (pp. 33–42)
O. Neverov

The Representation of April in the Calendar of 354 (pp. 43–50)
Michele Renee Salzman

News Letter from Greece 1982 (pp. 51–58)
Nancy A. Winter

The Samos Painter (pp. 59–64)
Patricia Lawrence

Archaeological Notes

Small Textile Frames: An Addendum (p. 65)
Louise Clark

A Relief Fragment from the Athenian Akropolis (pp. 65–66)
W.C. Eaton and John E. Rexine

The Kausia Diadematophoros (pp. 66–68)
Bonnie M. Kingsley

Green Goddess: A Gift to Lindos from Amasis of Egypt (pp. 68–69)
E.D. Francis and Michael Vickers

The Fair Akrotatos from Nemea (pp. 69–70)
Lionel Pearson

Second Thoughts on the Nemean Metagraffito (p. 70)
F.D. Harvey

Book Reviews

Dictionary of Bibliographic Abbreviations Found in the Scholarship of Classical Studies and Related Disciplines (p. 71)
By Jean Susorney Wellington
Reviewed by A.A. Donohue

Pre-Writing in Southeastern Europe: The Sign System of the Vinca Culture CA. 4000 B.C. (pp. 71–72)
By Shann M.M. Winn
Reviewed by Denise Schmandt-Besserat

Zambujal: Die Grabungen 1964 BIS 1973, by Edward Sangmeister and Hermanfrid Schubart; Cova da Moura: Die Besiedlung des atlantisches Küstengebietes Mittelportugals vom Neolithikum bis an das Ende der Bronzezeit, By Konrad Spindler (pp. 72–74)
Reviewed by Antonio Gilman

Sanctuaries and Cults in the Aegean Bronze Age: Proceedings of the First International Symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 12–13 May, 1980 (pp. 74–75)
By Robin Hägg and Nanno Marinatos
Reviewed by Philip P. Betancourt

Piazza pubblica e palazzo nella Creta Minoica (p. 75)
By Silvia Damiani Indelicato
Reviewed by J.C. McEnroe

Troy, the Archaeological Geology (pp. 76–77)
By G. Rapp and J.A. Gifford
Reviewed by T.J. Wilkinson

By Ioanna Kritseli-Providi
Reviewed by Lyvia Morgan

Excavations at Kition, IV. The Non-Cypriote Pottery (p. 78)
By V. Karageorghis, J.N. Coldstream, P.M. Bikai, A.W. Johnston, M. Robertson, and L. Jehasse
Reviewed by Ellen Herscher

Studies in Athenian Architecture, Sculpture and Topography Presented to Homer A. Thompson (pp. 78–80)
Reviewed by Andrew Stewart

Festivals of Attica: An Archaeological Commentary (pp. 80–81)
By Erika Simon
Reviewed by Ronald S. Stroud

Der Schaukelmaler (pp. 81–84)
By Elke Böhr
Reviewed by Dietrich von Bothmer

Material Culture of the Land of the Bible in the Persian Period, 538–332 B.C. (pp. 84–85)
By Ephraim Stern
Reviewed by Saul S. Weinberg

Untersuchungen zu den antiken Kieselmosaiken von den Anfängen bis zum Beginn der Tesseratechnik (pp. 85–86)
By Dieter Salzmann
Reviewed by J.J. Pollitt

Samothrace: The Temenos (pp. 86–87)
By Phyllis Williams Lehmann and Denys Spittle
Reviewed by Robert L. Pounder

Die Bronzen aus dem Fürstengrab von Castel San Mariano bei Perugia (pp. 87–88)
By Ursula Höckmann
Reviewed by P. Gregory Warden

Studies Related to the Theban Cycle on Late Etruscan Urns (pp. 88–90)
By Jocelyn Penny Small
Reviewed by Mario A. del Chiaro

Byrsa II: Rapports préliminaires sur les fouilles 1977–1978: Niveaux et vestiges puniques, by Serge Lancel; New Light on Ancient Carthage, by John Griffiths Pedley (pp. 90–92)
Reviewed by Samuel Wolff

Alexandrien: Kulturbegegnungen dreier Jahrtausende im Schmelztiegel einer mediterranien Gross-Stadt (p. 92)
By Norbert Hinske
Reviewed by David L. Thompson

The Seaborne Commerce of Ancient Rome: Studies in Archaeology and History (pp. 92–95)
By J.H. D’Arms and E.C. Kopff
Reviewed by Anna Marguerite McCann and Elizabeth Lyding Will

Consecratio in Formam Deorum: Vergöttlichte Privatpersonen in der römischen Kaiserzeit (pp. 95–96)
By H. Wrede
Reviewed by Patricia Erhart Mottahedeh                

Silver Vessels of the Sasanian Period, I: Royal Imagery (pp. 96–97)
By Prudence O. Harper
Reviewed by Margaret Cool Root

Books Received

List of Books Received (pp. 97–100)

Recent Dissertations in Archaeology

Recent Dissertations in Archaeology (p. 100) 


Elizabeth Augustus Whitehead (1928–1983) (p. 101)
Doreen C. Spitzer