January 1986 (90.1)
Browse the content of the issue below.
Browse the content of the issue below.
Editorial Letters (pp. 1–2)
Fred S. Kleiner and Stephen L. Dyson
Achaemenid Settlement in the Persepolis Plain (pp. 3–31)
W.M. Sumner
A Kouros-Statuette from Egypt in the Field Museum (p. 33)
R. Ross Holloway
Athena and Herakles on Exekias’ Calyx-Krater (pp. 35–39)
Mary B. Moore
The Nemean “Akrotatos the Good” Graffito Again (p. 41)
Ian Worthington
Machon, Frag. 5 (Gow) (pp. 43–44)
Alan L. Boegehold
An Early Imperial Pseudodipteral Temple at Sardis (pp. 45–68)
Christopher Ratté, Thomas N. Howe and Clive Foss
Hadrianic Architecture and Geometry (pp. 69–85)
David M. Jacobson
A Method of Affixing Fortification Walls to Steep Gradients (pp. 87–88)
W.J. Cherf
Lighting for Photographing Coins and Small Objects (pp. 89–91)
Fred Anderegg
Ancient Techniques for Making Holes in Sheet Metal (pp. 93–94)
William Rostoker
Supposed References to Reaction Soldering in Alcman, Sophocles and Antiphanes (pp. 95–98)
Hans Jüngst
Prehistoric Quarries and Lithic Production (pp. 99–100)
By J.E. Ericson and B.A. Purdy
Reviewed by John E. Clark
Intrasite Spatial Analysis in Archaeology (pp. 100–102)
By Harold Hietala
Reviewed by T. Douglas Price
Anthropological Archaeology (pp. 102–103)
By Guy Gibbon
Reviewed by Robert Whallon
Amarna Reports I; Amarna Reports II (pp. 103–105)
By Barry J. Kemp
Reviewed by Krzysztof Grzymski
The Zakro Master and His Place in Prehistory (p. 105)
By Judith Weingarten
Reviewed by Emmett L. Bennett, Jr.
Olympische Forschungen XIII, Bronzeschmuck aus Olympia (pp. 105–106)
By Hanna Philipp
Reviewed by Andrew Oliver, Jr.
Siana Cups I and Komast Cups (pp. 106–108)
By H.A.G. Brijder
Reviewed by Ann Blair Brownlee
Herakles and the Sea-Monster in Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painting, by Gudrun Ahlberg-Cornell; Griechische Flussgottheiten in vorhellenistischer Zeit, by Carina Weiss (pp. 108–111)
Reviewed by Mary B. Moore
L’instrument de musique dans la céramique de la Grèce antique (p. 111)
By Daniel Paquette
Reviewed by Jane McIntosh Snyder
L’Offrante de porcelet dans la corpolathie géléene: Étude typologique (pp. 111–113)
By Michel Sguaitamatti
Reviewed by Rebecca Miller Ammerman
Sculptures and Sculptors at Persepolis (pp. 113–114)
By Michael Roaf
Reviewed by Margaret Cool Root
The Syllabic Inscriptions of Rantidi-Paphos (pp. 114–115)
By Terence B. Mitford, Olivier Masson, and Franz Georg Maier
Reviewed by Barry B. Powell
Bronzes étrusques et italiques: Bibliothèque Nationale, Départment des Monnaies, Médailles et Antiques (pp. 115–117)
By Anne-Marie Adam
Reviewed by Emeline Richardson
Greek, Roman, and Islamic Coins from Sardis (pp. 117–118)
By T.V. Buttrey, Ann Johnston, Kenneth M. MacKenzie, and Michael L. Bates
Reviewed by John H. Kroll
The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. VII, Part I: The Hellenistic World (2nd Edition) (pp. 118–120)
By F.W. Walbank, A.E. Astin, M.W. Frederiksen, and R.M. Ogilvie
Reviewed by Kenneth S. Sacks
Antike Mosaiken in Sizilien; Hellenismus und römische Kaiserzeit 3. Jahrhundert v. Chr.–3. Jahrhundert n. Chr. (pp. 120–122)
By Dela von Boeselager
Reviewed by Margaret A. Alexander
Season Mosaics of Roman North Africa (pp. 122–124)
By David Parrish
Reviewed by David W. Rupp
Glasperlen der vorrömischen Eisenzeit, I (pp. 124–125)
by Thea Elisabeth Haevernick and Otto-Herman Frey
Reviewed by Gladys Davidson Weinberg
The Treasure of Nagyszentmiklós (pp. 125–126)
By Gyula László
Reviewed by Alfonz Lengyel
150-Jahr-Feier Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Rom: Ansprachen und Vorträge 4.–7. Dezember 1979 (pp. 126–128)
Reviewed by L. Richardson, Jr.
Il Monte Testaccio: Ambiente, storia, materiali (pp. 128–129)
By Emilio Rodríguez Almeida
Reviewed by Elizabeth Lyding Will
Die italische Sigillata von Novaesium (Novaesium IX) (pp. 129–131)
By Elisabeth Ettlinger
Reviewed by Howard Comfort
Untersuchungen zur Ehrenstatue in Rom: Literarische und epigraphische Zeugnisse (pp. 131–132)
By Götz Lahusen
Reviewed by Patricia Erhart Mottahedeh
Katalog der römischen Porträts in den Capitolinischen Museen und den anderen kommunalen Sammlungen der Stadt Rom, III: Kaiserinnen- und Prinzessinnenbildnisse, Frauenporträts (pp. 132–134)
By Klaus Fittschen and Paul Zanker
Reviewed by Patricia Erhart Mottahedeh
Das Kenotaph für Gaius Caesar in Limyra (pp. 134–136)
By Joachim Ganzert
Reviewed by John Pollini
Das Maxentius-Mausoleum an der via Appia in Rom (pp. 136–138)
By Jürgen J. Rasch
Reviewed by Alfred Frazer
Syrische Grabreliefs hellenistischer und römischer Zeit: Fundgruppen und Probleme, by Klaus Parlasca; Funerary Portraiture of Roman Palestine: An Analysis of the Production in Its Culture-Historical Context, by Ilona Skupinska-Løvset (pp. 138–140)
Reviewed by Elaine K. Gazda
The Byzantine Church at Dereağzi and Its Decoration (pp. 140–142)
By James Morganstern
Reviewed by W. Eugene Kleinbauer
List of Books Received (pp. 142–144)