April 1988 (92.2)
Browse the content of the issue below.
Browse the content of the issue below.
Archaeological Survey in an Artifact-Rich Landscape: A Middle Neolithic Example from Nemea, Greece (pp. 159–176)
John F. Cherry, Jack L. Davis, Anne Demitrack, Eleni Mantzourani, Thomas F. Strasser, and Lauren E. Talalay
Early Greek Architectural Decoration as Functional Art (pp. 177–183)
R. Ross Holloway
The Temple and Cult of Apollo Patroos in Athens (pp. 185–210)
Charles W. Hedrick, Jr.
Decor et Duplicatio: Pendants in Roman Sculptural Display (pp. 211–225)
Elizabeth Bartman
Lilian Hamilton Jeffery, 1915–1986 (pp. 227–228)
Susan Treggiari
The 89th General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (pp. 229–284)
Understanding Archaeological Excavation (p. 285)
By Philip Barker
Reviewed by Martha Sharp Joukowsky
Current Scientific Techniques in Archaeology (pp. 285–286)
By P.A. Parkes
Reviewed by Patrick E. McGovern
A Manual of Forensic Entomology (pp. 287–288)
By Kenneth G.V. Smith
Reviewed by P.C. Buckland
The Early Biblical Period: Historical Studies (pp. 288–289)
By Benjamin Mazar, Shmuel Ahituv, and Baruch A. Levine
Reviewed by Roger S. Boraas
Fasta Fornlämningar och Arkeologiska Regioner (pp. 289–290)
By Åke Hyenstrand
Reviewed by Nancy L. Hatch
La ceramica in archeologia. antiche tecniche di lavorazione e moderni metodi d’indagine (pp. 290–292)
By Ninina Cuomo di Caprio
Reviewed by J. Theodore Peña
Fornaci e fornaciai in Friuli (pp. 290–292)
By M. Buora and T. Ribezzi
Reviewed by J. Theodore Peña
Die verzierte Keramik der Sesklo– und Diminikultur Thessaliens (pp. 292–293)
By Brina Otto
Reviewed by Tracey Cullen
The Archaeology of Cult. The Sanctuary at Phylakopi (pp. 293–294)
By Colin Renfrew
Reviewed by Emily Vermeule
The End of the Early Bronze Age in the Aegean (pp. 294–295)
By Gerald Cadogan
Reviewed by Karen Polinger Foster
Troy and the Trojan War (pp. 294–295)
By Machteld J. Mellink
Reviewed by Karen Polinger Foster
Classical Landscape with Figures. The Ancient Greek City and Its Countryside (pp. 295–296)
By Robin Osborne
Reviewed by Victor Hanson
Antiche fondazioni greche. Sicilia e Italia meridionale (pp. 296–298)
By Federica Cordano
Reviewed by Brian E. McConnell
La frise est de l’Héphaisteion (pp. 298–299)
By José Dörig
Reviewed by Michael Vickers
Altertümer von Pergamon XV. Die Stadtgrabung 1: Das Heroon (pp. 299–300)
By Meinrad N. Filgis and Wolfgang Radt
Reviewed by Rhys F. Townsend
Samothrace 1923, 1927, 1978 (pp. 300–301)
By Jan Bouzek and Iva Ondřejovǎ
Reviewed by Robert L. Pounder
The Roman Port and Fishery of Cosa: A Center of Ancient Trade (pp. 301–302)
By Anna Marguerite McCann
Reviewed by G.E. Rickman
Ricerche a Pompei: L’insula 5 della Regione VI dalle origini al 79 D.C. (pp. 302–303)
By Maria Bonghi Jovino
Reviewed by Anne Laidlaw
Aphrodisias: City of Venus Aphrodite (pp. 303–304)
By Kenan T. Erim
Reviewed by Fikret K. Yegul
Manifattura suntuaria e committenza pagana nella Roma del IV secolo. Indagine sulla lanx di Parabiago (pp. 304–305)
By Luisa Musso
Reviewed by David H. Wright
Fälschungen antiker Plastik seit 1800 (pp. 305–306)
By Karina Türr
Reviewed by Robert Cohon
Corrigenda and Addendum to d’Ambra: A Myth for a Smith: A Meleager Sarcophagus from a Tomb in Ostia (p. 311)
List of Books Received (pp. 306–309)