July 1989 (93.3)
Browse the content of the issue below.
Browse the content of the issue below.
Monumenta virum priorum (pp. 315–318)
Fred S. Kleiner
The Longboat and Society in the Cyclades in the Keros-Syros Culture (pp. 319–337)
Cyprian Broodbank
The Swallows and Artists of Room Delta 2 at Akrotiri, Thera (pp. 339–354)
Mary B. Hollinshead
The Chests of Periander (pp. 355–378)
Jane Burr Carter
Five Lydian Felines (pp. 379–393)
Christopher Ratté
The Decorated Pavements of Morgantina I: The Mosaics (pp. 395–416)
Barbara Tsakirgis
Laocoon Rerestored (pp. 417–422)
Seymour Howard
Etruscan Inscriptions from a 1637 Autograph of Fabio Chigi (pp. 423–428)
Ingrid D. Rowland
Introduction (p. 429)
Martha Sharp Joukowsky
Archaeography, Archaeology, or Archeology? (pp. 429–435)
James Deetz
Archaeology Today: From the Classroom to the Field and Elsewhere (pp. 437–444)
James R. Wiseman
The Backward-Looking Curiosity: A Glance at Archaeology in the Year of Our Lord 1989 (pp. 445–449)
Brian M. Fagan
The Future of Archaeology: Dreamtime, Crystal Balls, and Reality (pp. 451–458)
Hester A. Davis
Leon Pomerance, 1907–1988 (pp. 459–460)
Joseph W. Shaw
Systèmes experts et sciences humaines. Le cas de L’archéologie (pp. 461–462)
By J.-C. Gardin, O. Guillaume, P.-Q. Herman, A. Hesnard, M.-S. Lagrange, M. Renaud, and E. Zadora-Rio
Reviewed by Michael Fotiadis
Death, Decay and Reconstruction. Approaches to Archaeology and Forensic Science (p. 462)
By A. Boddington, A.N. Garland, and R.C. Janaway
Reviewed by Terence O'Connor
The Evolution of Human Hunting (pp. 462–464)
By Matthew H. Nitecki and Doris V. Nitecki
Reviewed by Pamela R. Willoughby
European Wetlands in Prehistory (pp. 464–465)
By John M. Coles and Andrew J. Lawson
Reviewed by Robert H. Bewley
The Late Neolithic of the Tisza Region: A Survey of Recent Excavations and Their Findings (p. 465)
By Pál Raczky
Reviewed by John M. O’Shea
Lithic Analysis and Later British Prehistory (pp. 465–466)
By A.G. Brown and M.R. Edmonds
Reviewed by J. Peter White
Archaeology and Language. The Puzzle of Indo-European Origins (pp. 466–467)
By Colin Renfrew
Reviewed by Susan Nacev Skomal
Les grandes figures religieuses: Fonctionnement pratique et symbolique dans l’antiquité, Besançon 25–26 avril 1984 (pp. 467–468)
By P. Lévêque and M.-M. Mactoux
Reviewed by Susan Guettel Cole
Le système palatial en Orient, en Grèce et à Rome. Actes du colloque de Strasbourg 19–22 juin 1985 (pp. 468–470)
By E. Lévy
Reviewed by John Bennet
The History and Culture of Ancient Western Asia and Egypt (pp. 470–471)
By A. Bernard Knapp
Reviewed by Benjamin R. Foster
Une civilisation protohistorique du sud du Portugal (1ER age du fer) (p. 471)
By C.M. de Mello Beirão
Reviewed by R.J. Harrison
Este I. Le necropoli Casa di Ricovero, Casa Muletti Prosdocimi e Casa Alfonsi (p. 472)
By Anna Maria Chieco Bianchi and Loredana Calzavara Capuis
Reviewed by David Ridgway
Studi sulla ceramica laconica: Atti del seminario, Perugia, 23–24 febbraio 1981 (pp. 472–476)
By Fernanda Pompili
Reviewed by Jane Burr Carter
Archaische Bronzeplastik Lakoniens (pp. 472–476)
By Marlene Herfort-Koch
Reviewed by Jane Burr Carter
Laconian Iconography of the Sixth Century B.C. (pp. 472–476)
By Maria Pipili
Reviewed by Jane Burr Carter
The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports II (pp. 476–477)
By Donald White
Reviewed by Susan B. Matheson
The East Greek, Island, and Laconian Pottery (pp. 476–477)
By Gerald P. Schaus
Reviewed by Susan B. Matheson
The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports III (pp. 476–477)
By Donald White, Steven Lowenstam, Mary B. Moore, Philip M. Kenrick, and Tamsen Fuller
Reviewed by Susan B. Matheson
Fouilles de Delphes II. Topographie et architecture. Le Trésor de Siphnos (pp. 477–478)
By Georges Daux and Erik Hansen
Reviewed by William R. Biers
Oikos e ktisis. La casa greca in età classica (pp. 478–479)
By Fabrizio Pesando
Reviewed by Michael H. Jameson
Sardis: Twenty-Seven Years of Discovery. Papers Presented at a Symposium Sponsored by the Archaeological Institute of America, Chicago Society, and the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, March 21, 1987 (pp. 479–480)
By Eleanor Guralnick
Reviewed by Robert L. Pounder
The Civilisation of Western Anatolia (pp. 479–480)
By Ilhan Akşit
Reviewed by Robert L. Pounder
Mediterranean Cities: Historical Perspectives (pp. 480–481)
By Irad Malkin and Robert L. Hohlfelder
Reviewed by G.E. Rickman
L’Urbs: espace urbain et histoire Ier siècle av. J.-C.–IIIe siècle ap. J.-C.). Actes du colloque international organisé par le Centre national de la recherche scientifique et l’École française de Rome (Rome, 8–12 mai 1985) (pp. 481–482)
Reviewed by Robert E.A. Palmer
The Great Trajanic Frieze: The Study of a Monument and of the Mechanisms of Message Transmission in Roman Art (pp. 482–483)
By Anne-Marie Leander Touati
Reviewed by Richard A. Gergel
Roman Imperial Funerary Altars with Portraits (pp. 483–484)
By Diana E.E. Kleiner
Reviewed by Natalie Boymel Kampen
Britannia: A History of Roman Britain (pp. 484–485)
By Sheppard Frere
Reviewed by R. Leon Fitts
Implantation rurale antique sur le Bas-Guadalquivir III (pp. 485–486)
By Michel Ponsich
Reviewed by Robert Knapp
Ghirza. A Libyan Settlement in the Roman Period (pp. 486–487)
By Olwen Brogan and D.J. Smith
Reviewed by Donald White
Le monnayage des duovirs corinthiens by Michel Amandry; The Roman Coins of Alexandria. Quantitative Studies I–II. Nero, Trajan, Septimius Severus (pp. 487–489)
By Erik Christiansen
Reviewed by William E. Metcalf
Hagia Sophia: Architecture, Structure and Liturgy of Justinian’s Great Church (pp. 489–490)
By Rowland J. Mainstone
Reviewed by Robert Mark
Ceramic Industries of Medieval Nubia: Memoirs of the UNESCO Archaeological Survey of Sudanese Nubia I (pp. 490–491)
By William Yewdale Adams
Reviewed by Sheila McNally
List of Books Received (pp. 491–494)