July 1990 (94.3)

Browse the content of the issue below.

AJA 1987-2013

Field Report

The Gordion Excavation Seasons of 1969–1973 and Subsequent Research (pp. 371–406)
Keith DeVries


From Monkey to Man: The Evolution of a Geometric Sculptural Type (pp. 407–424)
Susan Langdon

The Decorated Pavements of Morgantina II: The Opus Signinum (pp. 425–443)
Barbara Tsakirgis

A Metrological Relief from Salamis (pp. 445–451)
Ifigenia Dekoulakou-Sideris

“Princes” and Barbarians on the Ara Pacis (pp. 453–467)
Charles Brian Rose

Sir William Hamilton as Collector, Exporter, and Dealer: The Acquisition and Dispersal of His Collections (pp. 469–480)
Nancy H. Ramage


Cedric Gordon Boulter, 1912–1989 (pp. 481–482)
Kurt T. Luckner

Benjamin Dean Meritt, 1899–1989 (pp. 483–484)
John S. Traill

Book Reviews

Tracing Archaeology’s Past: The Historiography of Archaeology (p. 485)
By Andrew L. Christenson
Reviewed by Thomas C. Patterson

Centre and Periphery: Comparative Studies in Archaeology (pp. 485–486)
By T.C. Champion
Reviewed by Peter S. Wells

Health and the Rise of Civilization (pp. 486–487)
By Mark N. Cohen
Reviewed by George R. Milner

Human Skeletal Remains: Excavation, Analysis, Interpretation² (pp. 487–488)
By Douglas H. Ubelaker
Reviewed by Marshall Joseph Becker

A Pot for All Reasons: Ceramic Ecology Revisited. Papers Dedicated to Frederick R. Matson, 1986 (pp. 488–489)
By Charles C. Kolb and Louanna M. Lackey
Reviewed by Karen D. Vitelli

From Foraging to Agriculture. The Levant at the End of the Ice Age (pp. 489–490)
By Donald O. Henry
Reviewed by Juris Zarins

Les industries lithiques taillées de Franchthi (Argolide, Grèce) 1: Présentation générale et industries paléolithiques (pp. 490–491)
By Catherine Perlès
Reviewed by Christopher Edens

Libro-guida delle escursioni (pp. 491–493)
By F. Martini
Reviewed by Gary S. Webster

Apulia 1: Neolithic Settlement in the Tavoliere (pp. 493–496) 
By G.D.B. Jones
Reviewed by Albert J. Ammerman

Passo di Corvo e la civilità neolitica del Tavoliere (pp. 493–496) 
By S. Tinè
Reviewed by Albert J. Ammerman

Coppa Nevigata e il suo territorio (pp. 493–496)
By S.M. Cassano, A. Cazzella, A. Manfredini, and M. Moscoloni
Reviewed by Albert J. Ammerman

Archsum auf Sylt 2: Landwirtschaft und Umwelt in vor- und frühgeschichtlicher Zeit (p. 496)
By G. Kossack, F.-R. Averdieck, H.-P. Blume, O. Harck, D. Hoffmann, H.J. Kroll, and J. Reichstein
Reviewed by Oliver Rackham

The Dartmoor Reaves (pp. 496–497)
By Andrew Fleming
Reviewed by D.W. Harding

The Cyclades in the Bronze Age (pp. 497–499)
By R.L.N. Barber
Reviewed by Jack L. Davis

The Mycenaean World: Five Centuries of Early Greek Culture, 1600–1100 B.C. (pp. 499–500)
By Katie Demakopoulou
Reviewed by Jeremy B. Rutter

The Late Helladic I Pottery of the South-Western Peloponnesos and Its Local Characteristics (pp. 500–501)
By Yannos B. Lolos
Reviewed by Leslie Preston Day

The Bronze Age-Iron Age Transition in Europe (pp. 501–502)
By M.L. Stig Sørensen and R. Thomas
Reviewed by Christopher Pare

Sarepta I: The Late Bronze and Iron Age Strata of Area II, Y (p. 502)
By William P. Anderson
Reviewed by Zvi Gal

L’Illyrie méridionale et L’Épire dans L’antiquité. Actes du Colloque international de Clermont-Ferrand (22–25 Octobre 1984) (pp. 502–504)
By Pierre Cabanes
Reviewed by J.J. Wilkes

Albanien. Schätze aus dem Land der Skiptaren (pp. 502–504)
By Arne Eggebrecht
Reviewed by J.J. Wilkes

Lexikon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae IV (pp. 504–505)
Reviewed by Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

Greek Gods and Figurines. Aspects of the Anthropomorphic Dedications (pp. 505–506)
By Brita Alroth
Reviewed by Charles W. Hedrick, Jr.

The Archaeology of the Olympics (pp. 506–507)
By Wendy Raschke
Reviewed by Nancy Serwint

Mind and Body: Athletic Contests in Ancient Greece (pp. 507–508)
By Olga Tzachou-Alexandri
Reviewed by Nancy Serwint

Hellenistic Royal Portraits (pp. 508–509)
By R.R.R. Smith
Reviewed by Andrew Stewart

La sculpture archaïsante dans l’art hellénistique et dans l’art romaine du haut-empire (pp. 509–510)
By Mary-Anne Zagdoun
Reviewed by Mark D. Fullerton

Gli scavi di G. Sordini sul Poggio di Talamonaccio (20.4–4.6. 1892) (pp. 510–511)
By Luigi Sensi
Reviewed by Mario A. del Chiaro

Le Terrecotte figurate di Cuma del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (pp. 511–512)
By Lucia Amalia Scatozza Höricht
Reviewed by Rebecca Miller Ammerman

Pompeji: Stadtbilder als Spiegel von Gesellschaft und Herrschaftsform (pp. 512–513)
By Paul Zanker
Reviewed by Christopher Parslow

Cáceres el Viejo: Ein spätrepublikanisches Legionslager in Spanisch-Extremadura (pp. 513–514)
By Günter Ulbert
Reviewed by Leonard A. Curchin

Il gruppo bronzeo tiberiano da Cartoceto (pp. 514–515)
By Sandro Stucchi
Reviewed by Fred S. Kleiner

Julio-Claudian Building Programs: A Quantitative Study in Political Management (p. 515)
By M.K. Thornton and R.L. Thornton
Reviewed by James C. Anderson, Jr.

Recherches archéologiques à La Magliana. Le balneum des frères arvales (pp. 515–516)
By Henri Broise and John Scheid
Reviewed by Jane C. Biers

The Mosaics of Antioch (pp. 516–517)
By Sheila Campbell
Reviewed by David Parrish

Early Christian Art and Architecture (pp. 517–518)
By Robert Milburn
Reviewed by Caroline J. Hemans

Late Roman and Byzantine Catacombs and Related Burial Places in the Maltese Islands (pp. 518–520)
By Mario Buhagiar
Reviewed by Shelby Brown

Economy, Society and Warfare among the Britons and Saxons (p. 520)
By Leslie Alcock
Reviewed by Klavs Randsborg

Books Received

List of Books Received (pp. 521–523)