July 1992 (96.3)

Browse the content of the issue below.

AJA 1987-2013

Field Report

Tell al-Raqā’i 1989 and 1990: Further Investigations at a Small Rural Site of Early Urban Northern Mesopotamia (pp. 397–419)
Glenn M. Schwartz and Hans H. Curvers


The Ecology of Bronze Age Flaked Stone Tool Production in Southern Greece: Evidence from Agios Stephanos and the Southern Argolid (pp. 421–442)
P. Nick Kardulias

A Trophy from the Battle of Chaironeia of 86 B.C. (pp. 443–455)
John Camp, Michael Ierardi, Jeremy McInerney, Kathryn Morgan, and Gretchen Umholtz

Venus, Polysemy, and the Ara Pacis Augustae (pp. 457–475)
Karl Galinsky

The Pompeii Calendar Medallions (pp. 477–501)
Charlotte R. Long


Archaeology in Jordan (pp. 503–542)
Bert de Vries


Oscar Theodore Broneer, 1894–1992 (pp. 543–546)
Elizabeth R. Gebhard

Margaret Thompson, 1911–1992 (pp. 547–549)
William E. Metcalf

Review Article

Reading Signs of Status: Recent Books on Roman Art in the Domestic Sphere (pp. 551–557)
Eleanor Winsor Leach

Book Reviews

Hunter-Gatherers: Archaeological and Evolutionary Theory (pp. 557–558)
By Robert L. Bettinger
Reviewed by Pam J. Crabtree

The Stonehenge Environs Project (pp. 558–559)
By Julian Richards
Reviewed by Stanton W. Green

Ebla: A New Look at History (pp. 559–560)
By Giovanni Pettinato and C. Faith Richardson
Reviewed by Benjamin R. Foster

The Complete Tutankhamun: The King, the Tomb, the Royal Treasure (pp. 560–561)
By Nicholas Reeves
Reviewed by Nancy Serwint

Der Sarg der Teüeris. Eine Studie zum Totenglauben in römerzeitlichen Ägypten (pp. 561–562)
By Dieter Kurth
Reviewed by Robert Steven Bianchi

Lefkandi II: The Protogeometric Building at Toumba, Pt. 1: The Pottery (pp. 562–563)
By R.W.V. Catling and I.S. Lemos
Reviewed by Ian Morris

Nemea: A Guide to the Site and Excavations (pp. 563–564)
By Stephen G. Miller
Reviewed by Bonna D. Wescoat

Ténos II. Ténos et les Cyclades du milieu du IVe siècle av J.-C. au milieu du IIIe siècle ap. J.-C. (pp. 564–565)
By Roland Étienne
Reviewed by Nicholas K. Rauh

Hellenistic Sculpture (pp. 565–566)
By R.R.R. Smith
Reviewed by Beryl Barr-Sharrar

Catalogue of the Copies of Etruscan Tomb Paintings in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (p. 567)
By Mette Moltesen and Cornelia Weber-Lehmann
Reviewed by Richard Daniel de Puma

S. Nicola di Albanella. Scavo di un santuario campestre nel territorio di Poseidonia-Paestum (pp. 567–568)
By Marina Cipriani
Reviewed by Gloria S. Merker

The Ince Blundell Collection of Classical Sculpture I: The Portraits, Pt. 1: Introduction, the Female Portraits, Concordances (pp. 568–570)
By Jane Fejfer and Edmund Southworth
Reviewed by Diana E.E. Kleiner

The Sarno Bath Complex (p. 570)
By A. Koloski-Ostrow
Reviewed by Jane C. Biers

Sicily under the Roman Empire: The Archaeology of a Roman Province, 36 BC–AD 535 (pp. 570–572)
By Roger J.A. Wilson
Reviewed by Brian E. McConnell

Roman Corinth: An Alternative Model for the Classical City (pp. 572–573)
By Donald Engels
Reviewed by Michael C. Hoff

Roman Gaul and Germany (pp. 573–574)
By Anthony King
Reviewed by James C. Anderson, Jr.

An Atlas of Roman Britain (pp. 574–575)
By Barri Jones and David Mattingly
Reviewed by R. Leon Fitts

The Byzantine Shops at Sardis (p. 575)
By J. Stephens Crawford
Reviewed by Jodi Magness

Books Received

List of Books Received (pp. 575–577)