July 1995 (99.3)

Browse the content of the issue below.

AJA 1987-2013


“Finding the Walls of Troy”: Frank Calvert, Excavator (pp. 379–407)
Susan Heuck Allen

A Flight of Swallows (pp. 409–425)
Karen Polinger Foster

The Euthymides Krater from Morgantina (pp. 427–444)
Jenifer Neils

The South Frieze of the Parthenon: Problems in Arrangement (pp. 445–456)
Ian Jenkins

Diva Drusilla Panthea and the Sisters of Caligula (pp. 457–482)
Susan Wood

The Corinth Amazon: Formation of a Roman Classical Sculpture (pp. 483–505)
Mary C. Sturgeon


Archaeology in Jordan (pp. 507–533)
Patricia M. Bikai and Deborah Kooring

Book Reviews

Pottery in Archaeology (pp. 535–536)
By Clive Orton, Paul Tyers, and Alan Vince
Reviewed by J. Theodore Peña

The Art of Stoneworking: A Reference Guide (pp. 536–537)
By Peter Rockwell
Reviewed by Mary C. Stieber

Teoría y práctica de la prehistoria: Perspectivas desde los extremos de Europa (pp. 537–538)
Edited by María Isabel Martínez Navarrete
Reviewed by L.G. Straus

Archäologie in Georgien von der Altsteinzeit zum Mittelalter (pp. 538–540)
By Otar Lordkipanidze
Reviewed by Christopher Edens

Fragments from Antiquity: An Archaeology of Social Life in Britain, 2900–1200 BC (pp. 540–541)
By John C. Barrett
Reviewed by John M. O’Shea

Pharaoh’s Workers: The Villagers of Deir el Medina (p. 541)
Edited by Leonard H. Lesko
Reviewed by James M. Weinstein

Haradum I: Une ville nouvelle sur le Moyen Euphrate (XVIIIe–XVIIe siècles av. J.-C.) (p. 542)
By Christine Kepinski-Lecomte
Reviewed by Mark W. Chavalas

Die deutschen Ausgrabungen auf der Pevkakia-Magula in Thessalien III: Die Mittlere Bronzezett I–II (pp. 542–544)
By Joseph Maran
Reviewed by Jeremy B. Rutter

Gordion IV: The Early Phrygian Pottery (pp. 544–545)
By G. Kenneth Sams
Reviewed by Andrew Ramage

Greek Architectural Terracottas from the Prehistoric to the End of the Archaic Period (pp. 545–546)
By Nancy A. Winter
Reviewed by Nancy L. Klein

Faces of Power: Alexander’s Image and Hellenistic Politics (pp. 546–547)
By Andrew F. Stewart
Reviewed by Beryl Barr-Sharrar

Post-Herulian Athens: Aspects of Life and Culture in Athens A.D. 267–529 (pp. 547–549)
Edited by Paavo Castrén
Reviewed by Timothy E. Gregory

Spectacles sportifs et scéniques dans le monde étrusco-italique: Actes de la table ronde organisée par l’Équipe de recherches étruscoitaliques de l’UMR 126 (CNRS, Paris) et l’École française de Rome, Rome, 3–4 mai 1991 (pp. 549–550)
Reviewed by P. Gregory Warden

Vitruve, De l’architecture, livre I (pp. 550–551)
By Philippe Fleury
Reviewed by James C. Anderson, Jr.

Vitruve, De l’architecture, livre III and Vitruve, De l’architecture, livre IV (pp. 550–551)
Edited by Pierre Gros
Reviewed by James C. Anderson, Jr.

Les éléments architecturaux dans la peinture campanienne du Quatrième Style (pp. 551–554)
By Hélène Eristov
Reviewed by Eleanor Winsor Leach

Marble in Antiquity. Collected Papers of J.B. Ward-Perkins (pp. 554–555)
Edited by Hazel Dodge, Bryan Ward-Perkins, and J.B. Ward-Perkins
Reviewed by J. Clayton Fant

Jerusalem Ceramic Chronology, circa 200–800 CE (pp. 555–556)
By Jodi Magness
Reviewed by Andrea M. Berlin

Books Received

List of Books Received (pp. 557–558)