American Journal of Archaeology | The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America
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The First American Classical Archaeologist (pp. 3–9)
Charles Eliot Norton
The Panathenaic Festival and the Central Slab of the Parthenon Frieze (pp. 10–17)
Charles Waldstein
Inscribed Sepulchral Vases from Alexandria (pp. 18–33)
Augustus C. Merriam
The Revival of Sculpture in Europe in the Thirteenth Century (pp. 34–45)
Arthur L. Frothingham, Jr.
Ancient Crude-Brick Construction and Its Influence on the Doric Style (pp. 46–53)
Arthur Richmond Marsh
Arnolfo di Lapo and Jacopo Torriti at Rome (pp. 54–56)
A.L. Frothingham, Jr.
Certificate of Decease of Antonio da San Gallo (p. 56)
B. Egius
Reviews and Notices of Books
The Empire of the Hittites (pp. 57–60)
By William Wright
Reviewed by Francis Brown
Manuel de Philologie Classique (pp. 60–63)
By Salomon Reinach
Reviewed by Charles Eliot Norton
Summaries of Periodicals and Proceedings of Societies (pp. 64–70)
News Department (pp. 71–103)
Thomas W. Ludlow