October–December 1895 (10.4)

Browse the content of the issue below.

AJA ser1 - 1885-1895

University of Pennsylvania Expedition to Babylonia. III. The Court of Columns at Nippur (pp. 439–468)
John P. Peters

Grave-Monuments from Athens. I (pp. 469–479)
Thomas Dwight Goodell and T.W. Heermance

Grave-Monuments from Athens. II (pp. 479–484)
Thomas Dwight Goodell and T.W. Heermance

A Kylix by the Artist Psiax (pp. 485–493)
Joseph Clark Hoppin

Reviews and Notices of Books

Egyptian Decorative Art (p. 494)
By W.M. Flinders Petrie
Reviewed by A.M.

Troja, 1893. Bericht über die im Jahre 1893 in Troja veranstalteten Ausgrabungen (pp. 495–496)
By William Dörpfeld
Reviewed by A.M.

de l’Expression des Masques dans les Drames d’Eschyle (pp. 496–500)
By Paul Girard
Reviewed by Edward Capps

Index Antiphonteus (pp. 500–501)
By F.L. van Cleef
Reviewed by S.R.W.

The Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia (pp. 501–503)
By W.M. Ramsay
Reviewed by George T. Purves

Skylla und Charybdis in der Literatur und Kunst der Griechen und Römer (pp. 503–504)
By Otto Waser
Reviewed by Harold N. Fowler

Pierres Gravées des Collections Marlborough et d’Orléans, des Recueils d’Eckhel, Gori, Levesque de Gravelle, Mariette, Millin, Stosch, reunies et reéditées avec un Texte Nouveau (p. 505)
By Salomon Reinach
Reviewed by A.M.

Thirty Years Work in the Holy Land (1865–1895) (p. 505)
By Walter Besant
Reviewed by A.M.

Notes on Shippo. A Sequel to Japanese Enamels (p. 506)
By James L. Bowes
Reviewed by A.M.

Archaeological News (pp. 507–586)
Allan Marquand