April–June 1886 (2.2)

Browse the content of the issue below.

AJA ser1 - 1885-1895

Notes and Inscriptions from Asia Minor (III) (pp. 123–131)
W.M. Ramsay

A Hittite Cylinder in the Musée Fol at Geneva (pp. 132–135)
Émile Duval

A Proto-Ionic Capital from the Site of Neandreia (II) (pp. 136–148)
Joseph Thacher Clarke

Egyptian Antiquities. I. Two Ptolemaic Inscriptions; II. Mummy Tablets (pp. 149–154)
Augustus C. Merriam

Notes on Oriental Antiquities. II Two Seals with Phoenician Inscriptions (pp. 155–156)
William Hayes Ward

The Terracotta Heads of Teotihuacan (pp. 157–178)
Zelia Nuttall


An American Expedition to Magna Grecia (p. 179)
A.L. Frothingham, Jr.


Excavations at Naukratis (pp. 180–181)
Ernest A. Gardner

Reviews and Notices of Books

Essays on the Art of Pheidias (pp. 182–187)
By Charles Waldstein
Reviewed by Arthur Richmond Marsh

Recherches sur la Glyptique Orientale: Première Partie. Cylindres de la Chaldée, by M. Joachim Ménant; Recherches sur la Glyptique Orientale: Seconde Partie. Cylindres de l’Assyrie, Médie, Asie-Mineure, Perse, Égypte et Phénicie (pp. 187–195)
By M. Joachim Ménant
Reviewed by A.L. Frothingham, Jr.

Ancient Rome in 1885 (pp. 196–198)
By J. Henry Middleton
Reviewed by Russell Sturgis

Mélanges d’Archéologie et d’Histoire. Archéologie du Moyen Age (pp. 199–201)
By Jules Quicherat and Robert de Lasteyrie
Reviewed by A.L. Frothingham, Jr.

Kulturhistorischer Bilderatlas. I. Altertum (pp. 201–202)
By Theodor Schreiber
Reviewed by Alfred Emerson

Correction (p. 202)
A. Emerson

Archaeological News (pp. 203–233)
A L. Frothingham, Jr.

Summaries of Periodicals (pp. 234–246)