October 2007 (111.4)

Print Book Reviews

Book Reviews October 2007

The following book reviews were published in the printed AJA only and are available for purchase on JSTOR. For more information, see access options.

In Pursuit of Ancient Pasts: A History of Classical Archaeology in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (pp. 803–804)
By Stephen L. Dyson 
Reviewed by William M. Calder III

Space and Spatial Analysis in Archaeology (p. 804)
By Elizabeth C. Robertson et al.
Reviewed by Clive Orton

After Collapse: The Regeneration of Complex Societies (pp. 804–805)
By Glenn M. Schwartz and John J. Nichols 
Reviewed by Paolo Brusasco

Inscribed in Clay: Provenance Study of the Amarna Letters and Other Ancient near Eastern Texts (pp. 806–807)
By Yuval Goren et al. 
Reviewed by Eleanor Robson

La céramique mycénienne de l'égée au levant: Hommage à Vronwy Hankey (pp. 807–808)
By Jacqueline Balensi, Jean-Yves Monchambert, and Sylvie Müller-Celka
Reviewed by Halford W. Haskell

Excavations at Tell es-Sweyhat, Syria. Vol. 2, Archaeology of the Bronze Age, Hellenistic, and Roman Remains at an Ancient Town on the Euphrates River (pp. 808–809)
By Thomas A. Holland, Martha Goodway, and Michael Roaf 
Reviewed by D.T. Potts

Βεργίνα: Τὰ πήλινα ἀγγει̑α τη̑ς μεγάλης τούμπας (pp. 809–810)
By Stella Drougou 
Reviewed by Susan I. Rotroff

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Deutschland 78. München 14: Attisch-schwarzfigurige Halsamphoren (pp. 810–811)
By Erika Kunze-Götte
Reviewed by Mary B. Moore

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. The Netherlands 9. Amsterdam 3. Allard Pierson Museum of the University of Amsterdam. Black-Figure, Pattern and Six Technique Lekythoi (pp. 810–811)
By W.D.J. van de Put
Reviewed by Mary B. Moore

Rome and the Black Sea Region: Domination, Romanisation, Resistance. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference, University of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg, January 23–26, 2005 (pp. 811–812)
By Tønnes Bekker-Nielsen 
Reviewed by Elias K. Petropoulos

Este 2: La necropoli di Villa Benvenuti (pp. 812–813)
By Loredana Capuis and Anna Maria Chieco Bianchi 
Reviewed by David Ridgway

Impronte nella Sabbia: Tombe infantili e di adolescenti dalla necropolis di Valle Trebba a Spina (pp. 813–814)
By Anna Muggia 
Reviewed by Marshall J. Becker

Roman Working Lives and Urban Living (p. 815)
By Ardle MacMahon and Jennifer Price 
Reviewed by Penelope M. Allison

Stories in Stone: Conserving Mosaics of Roman Africa. Masterpieces from the National Museum of Tunisia (pp. 816–817)
By Aïcha Ben Abed
Reviewed by Roger Ling

Tunisian Mosaics: Treasures from Roman Africa (pp. 816–817)
By Aïcha Ben Abed and Sharon Grevet 
Reviewed by Roger Ling

Representations of War in Ancient Rome (pp. 817–818)
By Sheila Dillon and Katherine E. Welch
Reviewed by Janet Burnett Grossman

Mosaics as History: The Near East from Late Antiquity to Islam (pp. 818–819)
By G.W. Bowersock 
Reviewed by Birte Poulsen

Book Reviews October 2007

American Journal of Archaeology Vol. 111, No. 4 (October 2007), pp. 803-819

© 2007 Archaeological Institute of America