January 1977 (81.1)
Browse the content of the issue below.
Browse the content of the issue below.
Image and Frame in Greek Art (pp. 1–30)
Jeffrey Hurwit
The Reliefs on the Theater of Dionysos in Athens (pp. 31–53)
Mary C. Sturgeon
Boeotian Black-Figure Lekanai by the Protome and Triton Painters (pp. 55–65)
Karl Kilinski II
The Art of Cyprus, Eighth-Seventh Centuries B.C.: Summary (p. 67)
Vassos Karageorghis
Recent Discoveries at Persepolis (pp. 67–77)
Ann Britt Tilia
“Submycenaean” and LH IIIC Domestic Deposits in Athens (pp. 78–79)
Evelyn Lord Smithson
The Study of Central Asiatic Pottery: Some Reflections on Publication (pp. 80–81)
Jean Claude Gardin
Some Observations on Egyptian Chronology of the Eighth and Seventh Centuries B.C. (pp. 82–83)
Donald B. Redford
Bryn Mawr College Excavations in Tuscany, 1975 (pp. 85–100)
Erik O. Nielsen and Kyle Meredith Phillips, Jr.
A New Interpretation of an Old Amarna Enigma (pp. 101–103)
Arielle P. Kozloff
Artemis and Herakles on a Geometric Oinochoe in Copenhagen (pp. 103–107)
J.R.A. Twele
The Gold in the Athena Parthenos (pp. 107–111)
Samuel Eddy
The Handmade Burnished Ware of the Late Helladic IIIC Period: Its Modern Historical Context (pp. 111–112)
Elizabeth French and Jeremy Rutter
George Carpenter Miles (p. 113)
Mari capitale fabuleuse (p. 115)
By André Parrot
Reviewed by Machteld J. Mellink
Fibeln in Thessalien, by Klaus Kilian; Die Schwerter in der Tschechoslowakei i, by Petr Novák (pp. 115–116)
Reviewed by Homer L. Thomas
The Mycenaean World (pp. 116–117)
By John Chadwick
Reviewed by Mabel L. Lang
Ionische Grabreliefs der ersten hälfte des 5. jahrhunderts v. chr. (pp. 117–118)
By Hilde Hiller
Reviewed by Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway
Die Geburt der Athena im Ostgiebel des Parthenon (pp. 118–120)
By Ernst Berger
Reviewed by Evelyn B. Harrison
Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design. Catalogue of the Collection. Classical Bronzes (pp. 120–121)
By David Gordon Mitten
Reviewed by Dorothy Kent Hill
Athenian Red Figure Vases. The Archaic Period (p. 121)
By John Boardman
Reviewed by Cedric G. Boulter
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Italy LV, Tarquinia, Museo Archeologico Nazionale III (pp. 121–122)
By Fulvio Canciani
Reviewed by Evelyn E. Bell
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, U.S.A. 16, the Metropolitan Museum of Art 4 (pp. 122–123)
By Mary B. Moore and Dietrich von Bothmer
Reviewed by Cedric G. Boulter
Influences and Styles in the Late Archaic and Early Classical Greek Sculpture of Sicily and Magna Graecia (pp. 123–124)
By R. Ross Holloway
Reviewed by Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway
La Collezione Rossi Danielli nel Museo Civico di Viterbo (p. 124)
By Adriana Emiliozzi
Reviewed by Larissa Bonfante
Lasa. Iconografia e esegesi (p. 125)
By Antonia Rallo
Reviewed by Larissa Bonfante
Fouilles de Conimbriga IV: Les sigillées, by Manuela Delgado, Françoise Mayet, and Adilia Moutinho de Alarcão; Fouilles de Conimbriga V: La céramique commune locale et régionale, by Jorge de Alarcão (pp. 125–126)
Reviewed by Howard Comfort
Die römischen Inschriften von Tarraco (pp. 126–127)
By Géza Alföldy
Reviewed by James H. Oliver
Die dionysischen Sarkophage (pp. 127–134)
By Friedrich Matz
Reviewed by Marion Lawrence
List of Books Received (pp. 134–135)