January–March 1937 (41.1)

Browse the content of the issue below.


Archaeological Notes

A Forerunner of Hagia Sophia (pp. 1–5)
Sven Larsen

A Fifth Century Stele in the Worcester Art Museum (pp. 6–7)
Francis Henry Taylor

The Syrian Expedition of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (pp. 8–16)
C.W. McEwan

Excavations at Troy, 1936 (pp. 17–51)
Carl W. Blegen

The Great Victory Monument of Attalus I (pp. 52–55)
Esther V. Hansen

Two Late Cypriote III Tombs from Kourion (pp. 56–85)
John Franklin Daniel

Two Homeric Bowls in the Louvre (pp. 86–96)
M. Rostovtzeff

A Christian Stele from Cappadocia (pp. 97–99)
G.W. Elderkin

The Esquiline Necropolis in the Fifth Century B.C. (pp. 100–106)
Inez Scott Ryberg

Note on the Use of the Claw-Chisel (pp. 107–108)
Stanley Casson

Thirty-Eighth General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (pp. 109–117)

Archaeological News and Discussions (pp. 118–145)
David M. Robinson and Elizabeth Pierce Blegen

Archaeological Exploration and Excavation in Palestine, Transjordan, and Syria during 1936 (pp. 146–153)
W.F. Albright and Nelson Glueck

Book Reviews

Les Trois Races de l’Europe et du Monde. Leur Génie et leur Histoire (p. 154)
By Paul Buyssens
Reviewed by George Grant MacCurdy

Die Fürstengräber von Qâw (pp. 154–155)
By Hans Steckeweh
Reviewed by T. George Allen

Hethiter, Churriter und Assyrer. Instituttet for Sammenlignende Kulturforskning, Serie A: Forelesninger XVII, by Albrecht Goetze; Les Hittites. L’Évolution de l’Humanité, Première Section, Vol. 8bis, by Louis Delaporte (pp. 155–157)
Reviewed by H.A. Rigg, Jr.

Der Obelisk und seine Basis auf dem Hippodrom zu Konstantinopel (pp. 157–159)
By Gerda Bruns
Reviewed by T. George Allen

Culture and Conscience. An Archaeological Study of the New Religious past in Ancient Palestine (p. 159)
By William Creighton Graham and Herbert Gordon May
Reviewed by George Grant MacCurdy

State Letters of Assyria, a Transliteration and Translation of 355 Official Assyrian Letters Dating from the Sargonid Period (p. 160)
By Robert H. Pfeiffer
Reviewed by Leon Legrain

The Minoan-Mycenaean Background of Greek Athletics (pp. 160–161)
By William Robbins Ridington
Reviewed by J. Penrose Harland

The Oriental Origin of Hellenistic Kingship (p. 161)
By Calvin W. McEwan
Reviewed by Lily Ross Taylor

Archaic Marble Sculpture from the Acropolis. A Photographic Catalogue (pp. 161–163)
By Humfry Payne and Gerard Mackworth Young
Reviewed by Gisela M.A. Richter

La Patera d’Argento di Parabiago (p. 163)
By Alda Levi
Reviewed by Gisela M.A. Richter

Les “Poulains” de Corinthe, Tome I (pp. 163–164)
By Oscar E. Ravel
Reviewed by Sydney P. Noe

Das Original der Sogenannten Pasquino-Gruppe (p. 165)
By B. Schweitzer and F. Hackebeii
Reviewed by Rhys Carpenter

Pompeii (pp. 165–166)
By R.C. Carrington
Reviewed by Karl Lehmann-Hartleben

Forma Orbis Romani: carte archéologique de la Gaule romaine, dressée sous la direction de (pp. 166–168)
By M. Adrien Blanchet and M. Fernand Benoit
Reviewed by Walter Woodburn Hyde

Roman Egypt to the Reign of Diocletian (pp. 168–169)
By Allan Chester Johnson
Reviewed by C. Bradford Welles

Medieval Spanish Enamels (pp. 169–170)
By W.L. Hildburgh
Reviewed by W. Frederick Stohlman

Le Crac des Chevaliers (pp. 170–171)
By Paul Deschamps
Reviewed by Kenneth Conant

The Birth of the Middle Ages (pp. 171–173)
By H. St. L.B. Moss
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann

A Catalogue of German Paintings of the Middle Ages and Renaissance in American Collections (p. 173)
By Charles S. Kuhn
Reviewed by R. Bernheimer