October–December 1933 (37.4)

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Volume 37 (1933) Index (Open Access)

Archaeological Notes

The Work of the Oriental Institute in Iraq (pp. 529–539)
H. Frankfort

The Latter Part of the Agora Campaign of 1933 (pp. 540–548)
T. Leslie Shear

Qui Terminum Exarasset (pp. 549–553)
Louise Adams Holland

Excavations in the Agora at Corinth, 1933 (pp. 554–572)
Oscar Broneer

Note on the Running Drill (pp. 573–577)
Gisela M.A. Richter

New Readings in the Archon Lists I. G.2 II, 1713 and 1716 (pp. 578–588)
Sterling Dow

Further Remarks on the Palace of Vouni (pp. 589–598)
Einar Gjerstad

A Reply (pp. 599–601)
Valentin Müller

A New Greek Inscription from Macedonia (pp. 602–604)
David M. Robinson

Eighth Century B.C. Inscriptions from Corinth (pp. 605–610)
Agnes Newhall Stillwell

Archaeological News and Discussions (pp. 611–630)
David M. Robinson and Elizabeth Pierce Blegen

Book Reviews

Les antiquités égyptiennes du Musée de Vienne (p. 631)
By Alexandre Varille
Reviewed by Battiscombe Gunn

The Decoration of the Tomb of Per-Neb: The Technique and the Color Conventions (pp. 631–634)
By Caroline Ransom Williams
Reviewed by Battiscombe Gunn

American School of Prehistoric Research (p. 634)
Reviewed by Jules Boymel

Προϊστορικὴ Ἑλευσίς, ὑπὸ Γεωργίου E. Μυλωνα̂ (pp. 634–635)
Reviewed by Carl W. Blegen

Greek Geometric Art, Its Symbolism and Its Origin (pp. 635–636)
By A. Roes
Reviewed by Valentin Müller

Ancient Oil Mills and Presses (pp. 636–637)
By A.G. Drachmann
Reviewed by David M. Robinson

The Technique of Early Greek Sculpture (pp. 637–638)
By Stanley Casson
Reviewed by Gisela M.A. Richter

Corpus Vasorum, Poland (pp. 638–639)
By Cagimierz Bulas
Reviewed by L.D. Caskey

Kos: Ergebnisse der deutschen Ausgrabungen und Forschungen (p. 639)
By Rudolf Herzog and Paul Schazmann
Reviewed by Rhys Carpenter

Attische Feste (p. 640)
By Ludwig Deubner
Reviewed by Rhys Carpenter

Yale Classical Studies. Volume III (pp. 640–642)
By M. Rostovtzeff, Erwin R. Goodenough, and John Day
Reviewed by Edward T. Newell

Tax Lists and Transportation Receipts from Theadelphia (pp. 642–644)
By William Linn Westermann and Clinton Walker Keyes
Reviewed by H. Comfort

Karanis: The Temples, Coin Hoards, Botanical and Zoölogical Reports, Seasons 1924–1931 (pp. 644–646)
By Arthur E.R. Boak
Reviewed by Battiscombe Gunn

Excavations at Minturnae. Volume II: Inscriptions. Part I: Republican Magistri (pp. 646–647)
By Jotham Johnson
Reviewed by Tenney Frank

Ancient Corinth with a Topographical Sketch of the Corinthia. Part I: From the Earliest Times to 404 B.C. (p. 647)
By J.G. O’Neill
Reviewed by Carl W. Blegen

Antoninus Pius (p. 648)
By Willy Hüttl
Reviewed by Lily Ross Taylor

Victoriano Juaristi, Esmaltes con Especial Mencion de los Españoles (pp. 648–649)
Reviewed by Marvin Chauncy Ross

Antike Porphyrwerke (pp. 649–651)
By Richard Delbrueck
Reviewed by C.R. Morey

Replies to Book Reviews (pp. 652–659)
Reviewed by K. Kourouniotes, Homer A. Thompson, D.S. Robertson, William Bell Dinsmoor and Einar Gjerstad