October–December 1906 (10.4)

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Volume 10 (1906) Index

A Bronze Statue of Heracles in Boston (pp. 377–384)
J.R. Wheeler

A Panathenaic Amphora with the Name of the Archon Theiophrastos (pp. 385–393)
Joseph Clark Hoppin

On Dating Early Attic Inscriptions (pp. 394–404)
Leila Clement Spaulding

A Doryphorus on a Red-Figured Lecythus (pp. 405–414)
Robert Cecil McMahon

A Bronze Statuette from Norba (pp. 415–419)
Albert W. van Buren

Ointment-Vases from Corinth (pp. 420–426)
David M. Robinson

Inscriptions from Rome (pp. 427–428)
C.R. Morey

Mr. Van Buren’s Notes on Inscriptions from Sinope (pp. 429–433)
David M. Robinson

Archaeological Discussions (pp. 435–489)
Harold N. Fowler