March–June 1890 (6.1–2)

Browse the content of the issue below.

AJA ser1 - 1885-1895

Volume 6 (1890) Index (pp. i–xii)

The Lost Mosaics of Rome of the IV to the IX Century (pp. 1–9)
Eugène Müntz

Introduction of Gothic Architecture into Italy by the French Cistercian Monks. I. Monastery of Fossanova (pp. 10–46)
A.L. Frothingham, Jr.

Reminiscences of Egypt in Doric Architecture (pp. 47–58)
Allan Marquand

The Distribution of Hellenic Temples (pp. 59–64)
George B. Hussey

Paul Wolters

Greek Sculptured Crowns and Crown Inscriptions (pp. 69–95)
George B. Hussey

Discoveries at Anthedon in 1889 (pp. 96–107)
John C. Rolfe

Discoveries at Plataia in 1889. III. Inscriptions from Plataia (pp. 108–111)
F.B. Tarbell and J.C. Rolfe

Discoveries at Thisbe in 1889. I. Report on Excavations (pp. 112–113)
John C. Rolfe

Discoveries at Thisbe in 1889. II. Inscriptions from Thisbe (pp. 113–120)
F.B. Tarbell and J. C. Rolfe


An Inscribed Tombstone from Boiotia (p. 121)
John C. Rolfe

The Inscriptions on the Obelisk Crabs in Central Park, New York (p. 122)
A.C. Merriam


Letter from Egypt (pp. 123–125)
Farley B. Goddard

Reviews and Notices of Books


Tenth Annual Report: 1888–89 (p. 126)
By the Archaeological Institute of America, Alfred Emerson, Henry W. Haynes, and Ad. F. Bandelier
Reviewed by A.L. Frothingham, Jr.

A History of Art for Classes, Art-Students, and Tourists in Europe (pp. 126–127)
By William H. Goodyear
Reviewed by A.L. Frothingham, Jr.

Les Sceaux (p. 127)
By Lecoy de la Marche
Reviewed by Allan Marquand

Oriental Archaeology

Mission Scientifique au Caucase (pp. 128–130)
By J. de Morgan
Reviewed by A.L. Frothingham, Jr.

Classical Archaeology

The Athenian Pnyx (pp. 130–133)
By John M. Crow
Reviewed by G.M. Whicher

Le Théâtre de Polyclète.-Reconstruction d’après un module (p. 133)
By K. Dumon
Reviewed by G. Oemichen

Tier-und Pflanzenbilder auf Münzen und Gemmen der klassischen Altertums (pp. 133–134)
By Imhoof-Blumer and O. Keller
Reviewed by A. Pfeiffer

Über 98 in Attika gefundene Henkelinschriften auf griechischen Thongefässen (p. 134)
By R. Grundmann
Reviewed by R. Hirsch

L’Architecture Grecque (pp. 134–135)
By V. Laloux
Reviewed by Allan Marquand

L’Art Étrusque (pp. 135–139)
By Jules Martha
Reviewed by A.L. Frothingham, Jr.

Handbuch der klassischen Altertums- Wissenschaft (p. 139)
By Iwan von Müller
Reviewed by Allan Marquand

Reisen in Lykien, Milyas und Kibyratis (pp. 139–141)
By Eugen Petersen and Felix von Luschan
Reviewed by O. Treuber

Griechische Weihgeschenke (p. 141)
By Emil Reisch
Reviewed by Allan Marquand

Eighth Annual Report of the Managing Committee of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1888–89 (p. 142)
By Charles Waldstein and Frank B. Tarbell
Reviewed by A.L. Frothingham, Jr.

Abhandlung über die Erklärung der Eckfiguren am Ostgiebel des olympischen Zeustempels und am Westgiebel des Parthenon (pp. 142–143)
By Walz
Reviewed by J. Böhlau

Die Darstellungen der Unterwelt auf unteritalischen Vasen (p. 143)
By A. Winkler
Reviewed by J. Böhlau

Christian Archaeology

La Capsella Argentea Africana offerta al Sommo Pontefice Leone XIII, etc (pp. 143–145)
By Gio. Batt de Rossi
Reviewed by A.L. Frothingham., Jr.

Development and Character of Gothic Architecture (pp. 145–150)
By Charles Herbert Moore
Reviewed by A.L. Frothingham, Jr.

Les Archives des Arts. Receuil de documents inédits ou peu connus (pp. 150–151)
By Eugène Müntz
Reviewed by A.L. Frothingham, Jr.

Die Genesismosaiken in Venedig und die Cottonbibel (pp. 151–152)
By J.J. Tikkanen
Reviewed by A.L. Frothingham, Jr.

American Archaeology

Essays of an Americanist (pp. 152–153)
By Daniel G. Brinton
Reviewed by A.L. Frothingham, Jr.

Archaeological News (pp. 154–260)
A.L. Frothingham, Jr.