Four Hellenistic Funerary Stelae from Gephyra, MacedoniaJuly 2009 (113.3) ArticleBy Miltiades Hatzopoulos and Pierre Juhel
Settlement Structure in Laconia and Attica at the End of the Archaic Period: The Fractal DimensionJuly 2009 (113.3) ArticleBy William G. Cavanagh
Roussa Ekklesia, Part 1: Religion and Politics in East CreteJuly 2009 (113.3) ArticleBy Brice E. Erickson
The Production and Distribution of Pottery at Pompeii: A Review of the Evidence; Part 2, The Material Basis for Production and DistributionApril 2009 (113.2) ArticleBy J. Theodore Peña and Myles McCallum
Royal Gift Exchange Between Mycenae and Egypt: Olives as “Greeting Gifts” in the Late Bronze Age Eastern MediterraneanJuly 2009 (113.3) ArticleBy Jorrit M. Kelder
New Reconstructions of the “Mykenaia” and a Seated Woman from MycenaeJuly 2009 (113.3) ArticleBy Bernice R. Jones
Astral Path to Soul Salvation in Late Antiquity? The Orientation of Two Late Roman Imperial Mausolea from Eastern SerbiaJanuary 2009 (113.1) ArticleBy Dragana Mladenović
The Production and Distribution of Pottery at Pompeii: A Review of the Evidence; Part 1, ProductionJanuary 2009 (113.1) ArticleBy J. Theodore Peña and Myles McCallum
From Clay to Stone: Monumentality and Traditionalism in Volterran UrnsJanuary 2009 (113.1) ArticleBy Roman Roth