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Bathing at the Mycenaean Palace of Tiryns
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Bathing at the Mycenaean Palace of Tiryns
Unless otherwise noted in the caption, images are by the author. Images are not edited by the AJA to the same level as those in the published article.
Works Cited
Evans, A. 1928. The Palace of Minos. Vol. 2. London: Macmillan.
Küpper, M. 1996. Mykenische Architekture: Material, Bearbeitungstechnik, Konstruktion und Erscheinungsbild. Internationale Archäologie 25. Espelkamp: Marie Leidorf.
McEnroe, J.C. 2001. Pseira V: The Architecture of Pseira. University Museum Monograph 109. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.
Moser v. Filseck, K. 1986. “Der Alabasterfries von Tiryns.” AA:1–32.
Müller, K. 1930. Die Architektur der Burg und des Palastes. Tiryns 3. Augsburg: B. Filser.
Schliemann, H. 1976. Reprint. Tiryns: The Prehistoric Palace of the Kings of Tiryns. New York: Arno Press. Original edition, C. Scribner’s Sons, 1885.
Supplemental images for Bathing at the Mycenaean Palace of Tiryns, by Joseph W. Shaw
American Journal of Archaeology Vol. 116, No. 4 (October 2012)
Published online at
DOI: 10.3764/ajaonline1164.Shaw.suppl