October 2007 (111.4)

Museum Review

Iran and Its Neighbors in Late Antiquity: Art of the Sasanian Empire (224–642 C.E.)

By Joel Walker

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Glass, Gilding, and Grand Design: Art of Sasanian Iran (224–642)
Asia Society, New York
8 February–20 May 2007

Glass, Gilding, and Grand Design: Art of Sasanian Iran (224–642), edited by Françoise Demange. Pp. 48, b&w figs. 10, color figs. 32. The Asia Society, New York 2007. $29.95. ISBN 978-0-87848-106-4 (paper).

Les Perses sassanides: Fastes d’un empire oublié (224–642), edited by Françoise Demange. Pp. 240, b&w figs. 60, color figs. 200. Éditions Paris Musées, Paris 2007. €44. ISBN 2-87900-957-X (paper).