January 2006 (110.1)
Review Article
Three Studies of Ancient Near Eastern Iconography
Reviewed Works
Ancient Near Eastern Terracottas in the Ashmolean Museum, by P.R.S. Moorey. www.ashmolean.org.
Idols of the People: Miniature Images of Clay in the Ancient Near East, by P.R.S. Moorey (The Schweich Lectures of the British Academy). Pp. xi + 82, pls. 16, maps 2. The British Academy, Oxford University Press 2003. $45. ISBN 0-19- 726280-5 (cloth).
The Many Faces of the Goddess: The Iconography of the Syro-Palestinian Goddesses Anat, Astarte, Qedeshet, and Asherah c. 1500–1000 BCE, by I. Cornelius (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 204). Pp. ix + 207, figs. 54, suppl. figs. 3, pls. 51, suppl. pls. 2, tables 6, maps 3. Academic Press Fribourg; Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2004. $75. ISBN 3-7278- 1485-3 (Academic Press Fribourg); 3-525-53061- 7 (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht) (cloth).