October 1997 (101.4)

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AJA 1987-2013

Volume Index

Volume 101 (1997) Index (Open Access)


Cretan Laws and Cretan Literacy (pp. 635–661)
James Whitley

Pheidias ἐλεφαντουργός (pp. 663–682)
Kenneth D.S. Lapatin

In Death Not Divided: Gender, Family, and State on Classical Athenian Grave Stelae (pp. 683–699)
Ruth E. Leader

The Tomb from Tigrane Pasha Street and the Iconography of Death in Roman Alexandria (pp. 701–729)
Marjorie Susan Venit

Figured Pilaster Capitals from Aphrodisias (pp. 731–769)
Sheila Dillon

Review Articles

Recent Works in Archaeometallurgy (pp. 771–773)
J.D. Muhly

Documenting the Parthenon Frieze in Basel (pp. 774–775)
Ian Jenkins

Book Reviews

The Cambridge Illustrated History of Archaeology (pp. 776–777)
Edited by Paul G. Bahn
Reviewed by Neil Asher Silberman

The Neanderthal Legacy: An Archaeological Perspective from Western Europe (pp. 777–778)
By Paul Mellars
Reviewed by Curtis Runnels

Islands in Time: Island Sociogeography and Mediterranean Prehistory (p. 778)
By Mark Patton
Reviewed by Thomas F. Strasser

The Old Assyrian Copper Trade in Anatolia (pp. 778–779)
By Jan Gerrit Dercksen
Reviewed by Marc Van De Mieroop

Settlement Development in the North Jazira, Iraq: A Study of the Archaeological Landscape (pp. 779–780)
By T.J. Wilkinson and D.J. Tucker
Reviewed by Gil J. Stein

Egyptian Stone Vessels: Khian through Thutmosis IV (pp. 780–782)
By Christine Lilyquist
Reviewed by Peter Lacovara

The Sarcophagus in the Tomb of Tutankhamun (pp. 780–782)
By M. Eaton-Krauss
Reviewed by Peter Lacovara

Stone Vessels, Pottery and Sealings from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (pp. 780–782)
Edited by John Baines
Reviewed by Peter Lacovara

Die ägäische Frühzeit, 2. Serie: Forschungsbericht 1975–1993 1: Das Neolithikum in Griechenland mit Ausnahme von Kreta und Zypern (pp. 782–783)
By Eva Alram-Stern
Reviewed by John E. Coleman

The Minoan Roundel and Other Sealed Documents in the Neopalatial Linear A Administration I–II (pp. 783–785)
By Erik Hallager
Reviewed by Judith Weingarten

The Latest Sealings from the Palace and Houses at Knossos (pp. 783–785)
By Mervyn R. Popham and Margaret A.V. Gill
Reviewed by Judith Weingarten

The Role of the Ruler in the Prehistoric Aegean (pp. 785–786)
Edited by Paul Rehak
Reviewed by Wolf-Dietrich Niemeier

Anatolian Iron Ages 3: The Proceedings of the Third Anatolian Iron Ages Colloquium Held at Van, 6–12 August 1990 (pp. 787–788)
By A. Çilingiroğlu and D.H. French
Reviewed by Antonio Sagona

Tille Höyük 4: The Late Bronze Age and the Iron Age Transition (pp. 787–788)
By G.D. Summers
Reviewed by Antonio Sagona

Beycesultan III:2: Late Bronze Age and Phrygian Pottery and Middle and Late Bronze Age Small Objects (pp. 787–788)
By James Mellaart and Ann Murray
Reviewed by Antonio Sagona

New Studies on the Black Sea Littoral (pp. 788–789)
Edited by Gocha R. Tsetskhladze
Reviewed by David Braund

Human Landscapes in Classical Antiquity: Environment and Culture (pp. 789–790)
Edited by Graham Shipley and John Salmon
Reviewed by Paul Cartledge

Landscapes of Settlement: Prehistory to the Present (pp. 789–790)
By Brian K. Roberts
Reviewed by Paul Cartledge

Akarnanien: Eine Landschaft im antiken Griechenland (pp. 791–792)
Edited by Percy Berktold, Jürgen Schmid, and Christian Wacker
Reviewed by Sebastiaan Bommeljé

Religion and Power in the Ancient Greek World (pp. 792–793)
Edited by Pontus Hellström and Brita Alroth
Reviewed by Sara B. Aleshire

Der grosse Kuros von Samos (pp. 793–794)
By Helmut Kyrieleis
Reviewed by John Griffiths Pedley

Delphi: Orakel am Nabel der Welt (pp. 794–795)
Edited by Michael Maass
Reviewed by Horst Herzog

Die Tondächer von Olympia (pp. 795–796)
By Joachim Heiden
Reviewed by Nancy A. Winter

The Temple of Apollo Bassitas I: The Architecture (pp. 796–797)
By Frederick A. Cooper
Reviewed by J.J. Coulton

The Temple of Apollo Bassitas III: The Architecture: Illustrations (pp. 796–797)
By Frederick A. Cooper
Reviewed by J.J. Coulton

The Lawcourts at Athens: Sites, Buildings, Equipment, Procedure, and Testimonia (pp. 797–798)
By A.L. Boegehold
Reviewed by S.C. Todd

The Hellenistic Settlements in Europe, the Islands, and Asia Minor (pp. 798–799)
By Getzel M. Cohen
Reviewed by F.W. Walbank

Der archaistische Dionysos: Eine archäologische Untersuchung zur Bedeutung archaistischer Kunst in hellenistischer und römischer Zeit (pp. 799–800)
By Nele Hackländer
Reviewed by Mark D. Fullerton

Un abitato villanoviano perilacustre: Il Gran Carro sul Lago di Bolsena (1959–1985) (pp. 800–801)
By Pietro Tamburini
Reviewed by P. Gregory Warden

I bronzi etruschi e romani I–III (pp. 801–802)
By Maria Paola Bini, Gianluca Caramella, and Sandra Buccioli
Reviewed by Helen Nagy

Die Odysseefresken von Esquilin (pp. 802–804)
By Ralf Biering
Reviewed by Bettina Bergmann

La Maison des Dieux Océan à Saint-Romain-en-Gal (Rhône) (pp. 804–805)
By Armand Desbat, Odile Leblanc, Jean-Luc Prisset, Hugues Savay-Guerraz, and Dominique Tavernier
Reviewed by Lea Stirling

Le vin et les amphores de Crète: De lépoque classique à lépoque imperiale (pp. 805–806)
By Antigone Marangou-Lerat
Reviewed by George W.M. Harrison

The Fire of Hephaistos: Large Classical Bronzes from North American Collections (pp. 806–807)
By Carol C. Mattusch
Reviewed by Sheila Dillon

Myth, Man and Metal: Bronze Sculpture of Ancient Greece and Rome (pp. 806–807)
By Carol C. Mattusch
Reviewed by Sheila Dillon

Coinage in the Roman Economy, 300 B.C. to A.D. 700 (pp. 807–808)
By Kenneth W. Harl
Reviewed by R.P. Duncan-Jones

Ancient Jewelry and Archaeology (pp. 808–810)
By Adriana Calinescu
Reviewed by Martin Henig

The Jewellery of Roman Britain: Celtic and Classical Traditions (pp. 808–810)
By Catherine Johns
Reviewed by Martin Henig

Salona I: Catalogue de la sculpture architecturale paléochrétienne de Salone (pp. 810–812)
Edited by N. Duval, E. Marin, and C. Metzger
Reviewed by Caroline Downing Hemans

Salona II: Ecclesiae Dalmatiae. 1: Catalogue; 2: Illustrations et conclusions (pp. 810–812)
By Pascale Chevalier
Reviewed by Caroline Downing Hemans

Tille Höyük I: The Medieval Period (pp. 812–813)
By John Moore
Reviewed by Scott Redford

Book Notes

Libya Antiqua: Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Libya, New Series 1, 1995 (p. 813)
Reviewed by J.A. Lloyd

The Masada Myth: Collective Memory and Mythmaking in Israel (pp. 813–814)
By Nachman Ben-Yehuda
Reviewed by Neil Asher Silberman

Attelages antiques libyens: Archéologie saharienne expérimentale (p. 814)
By Jean Spruytte
Reviewed by Joost H. Crouwel

De picturae iniths: Die Anfänge griechischen Malerei im 7. Jahrhundert v. Chr. (pp. 814–815)
By Nadia J. Koch
Reviewed by R.M. Cook

Sculptures déliennes (p. 815)
Edited by Jean Marcadé
Reviewed by Mary C. Stieber

Studies in Ancient Coinage from Turkey (p. 816)
Edited by Richard Ashton
Reviewed by Jane DeRose Evans

Towns in Late Antiquity: Iol Caesarea and Its Context (p. 816)
By T.W. Potter
Reviewed by Helen Parkins

The Archaeology of Early Historic South Asia: The Emergence of Cities and States (pp. 816–817)
By F.R. Allchin
Reviewed by Monica L. Smith

Books Received

List of Books Received (pp. 817–821)