January–March 1935 (39.1)
Browse the content of the issue below.
Browse the content of the issue below.
New Egyptian Acquisitions in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (pp. 1–4)
The New Mithraeum at Dura (pp. 4–5)
The Discovery of Painted Pinakes near Corinth (p. 5)
Anastasios Orlandos
Excavations at Troy 1934 (pp. 6–34)
Carl W. Blegen
The Panoply of the Ethiopian Warrior (pp. 35–45)
A.D. Fraser
Another Copy of the Diadoumenos by Polykleitos (pp. 46–52)
Gisela M.A. Richter
Excavations in Corinth, 1934 (pp. 53–75)
Oscar Broneer
Several Vases from a Byzantine Dump at Corinth (pp. 76–78)
Charles H. Morgan, II
Bronze Objects from Old Corinth, Greece (pp. 79–91)
Frederick O. Waagé
Two Mosaics Representing the Seven Wise Men (pp. 92–111)
G.W. Elderkin
Thirty-Sixth General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (pp. 112–117)
Archaeological News and Discussions (pp. 118–136)
David M. Robinson and Elizabeth Pierce Blegen
A Summary of Archaeological Research during 1934 in Palestine, Transjordan, and Syria (pp. 137–148)
W.F. Albright
The Treasure of el Lāhūn (pp. 149–150)
By H.E. Winlock
Reviewed by T. George Allen
The Excavation of Medinet Habu (pp. 150–152)
By Uvo Hölscher
Reviewed by William C. Hayes
Medinet Habu—Volume III, the Calendar, the “Slaughterhouse,” and Minor Records of Rameses III (pp. 152–153)
By The Epigraphic Survey and Harold H. Nelson
Reviewed by William C. Hayes
Syria. Publications of the Princeton University Archaeological Expeditions to Syria in 1904–5 and 1909. Division IV (p. 153)
By Enno Littmann
Reviewed by James A. Montgomery
Archaeologia Hungarica XIII. A Soproni Burgstall Alakos Urnái. Die Figuralverzierten Urnen vom Soproner Burgstall (pp. 153–154)
By Gallus Sandor
Reviewed by Clarence A. Manning
A History of Olynthus (pp. 154–155)
By Mabel Gude
Reviewed by W.S. Ferguson
Attische Mauern (pp. 155–156)
By Walther Wrede
Reviewed by Rhys Carpenter
Fuehrer durch Tiryns, by Georg Karo; Attika, by Walther Wrede (p. 156)
Reviewed by Rhys Carpenter
Hellenistic Queens: A Study of Woman-Power in Macedonia, Seleucid Syria, and Ptolemaic Egypt (pp. 156–158)
By Grace Harriet Macurdy
Reviewed by Casper J. Kraemer, Jr.
Antioch On-the-Orontes, I. The Excavations of 1932 (pp. 158–159)
Reviewed by Campbell Bonner
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, University of Michigan, Fasc. 1 (p. 159)
By Wilhelmina van Ingen
Reviewed by Howard Comfort
La Graufesenque (pp. 159–160)
By Frédéric Hermet
Reviewed by George H. Chase
Eos. Commentarii Societatis Philologae Polonorum. Vol. XXXIV, 1932–3 (pp. 160–161)
Reviewed by Valentin Müller
Hooge Huizen in de Oudheid (p. 161)
By L.J. Elfering
Reviewed by Valentin Müller
La trace de Rome dans le Désert de Syrie. Le limes de Trajan à la Conquête Arabe. Recherches Aériennes (1925–1931) (pp. 161–162)
Reviewed by Clark Hopkins
Forma Orbis Romani: carte archéologique de la Gaule romaine dressée sous la direction de M. Adrien Blanchet. Fasc. III: carte et texte du Département de la Corse préparés (pp. 162–164)
By M. Ambroise Ambrosi
Reviewed by Walter Woodburn Hyde
Opuscula Archaeologica, Vol. I, Fasc. 1, edidit Institutum Romanum Regni Sueciae (p. 164)
Reviewed by Tenney Frank
Agrippa’s Building Activities in Rome (pp. 164–165)
By Frederick W. Shipley
Reviewed by Inez Scott Ryberg
Studien zur offiziellen Geltung des Kaiserbildes im römischen Reiche (pp. 165–166)
By Helmut Kruse
Reviewed by C.R. Morey
Les Textiles Anciens du Pérou et leur Techniques (pp. 166–169)
By Raoul D’Harcourt
Reviewed by M.D.C. Crawford