April–June 1944 (48.2)

Browse the content of the issue below.


Archaeological Notes

Two Attic Black-Figured Lekythoi in Buffalo (pp. 121–129)
Margarete Bieber

The Fezzan Expedition (pp. 130–131) 

Observations on Seventh-Century Greek Sculpture (pp. 132–134)
C.A. Robinson, Jr.

A Wreath in the Vassar Classical Museum (pp. 135–142)
Robert L. Scranton

The Bronze Statue from Artemision (pp. 143–160)
George E. Mylonas

The Painters of “Tyrrhenian” Vases (pp. 161–170)
Dietrich von Bothmer

A Faënce Head of Augustus (pp. 171–175)
Meriwether Stuart

Attius Laco, the Proconsul, and Iunius Cilo, the Procurator, in Bithynia (pp. 176–177)
F.M. Heichelheim

Archaeological News and Discussions (pp. 178–210)
Stephen B. Luce and Henry Field

Book Reviews

Chanhu-daro 1935–36 (pp. 211–212)
By Ernest J.H. Mackay
Reviewed by R.F.S. Starr

Greek Temples (pp. 212–213)
By Isabel Hoopes Grinnell
Reviewed by Richard Stillwell

La Necropoli del Porto di Roma nell’Isola Sacra (pp. 213–218)
By Guido Calza
Reviewed by Herbert Bloch

The Abbey of St.-Denis, 475–1122, Volume I (pp. 218–221)
By Summer McKnight Crosby
Reviewed by Richard Krautheimer

Medieval American Art (pp. 221–223)
By Pál Kelemen
Reviewed by Linton Satterthwaite, Jr.

Arkheologicheskie Issledovaniia V, RSFSR 1934–1936 gg. Kratkie Otchety I Svedeniia, by V.V. Golmsten; Contribution à l’histoire des Tribus de la Haute Volga au I Millenaire, by P.N. Tretiakov (pp. 223–225)
Reviewed by George Vernadsky

Bibliography of Archaeological Books—1943 (pp. 226–228)
David M. Robinson