April 1958 (62.2)

Browse the content of the issue below.



The Gordion Campaign of 1957: Preliminary Report (pp. 139–154)
Rodney S. Young

Excavations at Serra Orlando (Morgantina) Preliminary Report II (pp. 155–164)
Erik Sjöqvist

Fifth Century Intentional Red Glaze (pp. 165–173)
Marie Farnsworth and Harriet Wisely

The Palace of Nestor Excavations of 1957: Part I (pp. 175–191)
Carl W. Blegen and Mabel Lang

A Class of Bronze Handles of the Archaic and Classical Periods (pp. 193–201)
Dorothy Kent Hill

New Light on Thermopylai (pp. 203–213)
W. Kendrick Pritchett

Archaeological Notes

Council for Old World Archaeology (pp. 215–216)

The Circus of Nero and the Vatican Excavations (pp. 216–218)
Gavin Townend


Fifty-Ninth General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (1957) (pp. 221–228)


Alan John Bayard Wace (p. 229)
Homer A. Thompson

Book Reviews

Jungbronzezeitliche Hortfunde der Südzone des nordischen Kreises (Periode V) (pp. 231–232)
By Ernst Sprockhoff
Reviewed by Homer L. Thomas

A Hittite Cemetery at Gordion (p. 232)
By Machteld J. Mellink
Reviewed by Briggs Buchanan

The Scythians (pp. 232–233)
By Tamara Talbot
Reviewed by Alfred Salmony

Festschrift für Carl Weickert (pp. 233–235)
By Gerda Bruns
Reviewed by Otto J. Brendel

Phidiasische Reliefs und Parthenonfries (pp. 235–236)
By Carl Blümel
Reviewed by Frank Brommer

Drei Bronzen der Sammlung Helène Stathatos (pp. 236–237)
By Emil Kunze
Reviewed by G.M.A. Richter

Small Objects from the Pnyx: II (pp. 237–238)
By Lucy Talcott, Barbara Philippaki, G. Roger Edwards, and Virginia R. Grace
Reviewed by Frances Follin Jones

Terracotta Figurines from Kourion in Cyprus (pp. 238–240)
By John Howard Young and Suzanne Halstead Young
Reviewed by Dorothy Burr Thompson

Tarquinii III–IV: Le Pitture degli Auguri e del Pulcinella (pp. 240–242)
By Giovanni Becatti and Filippo Magi
Reviewed by Otto J. Brendel

A Historical Commentary on Polybius. Vol. I, Commentary on Books I–VI (pp. 242–243)
By F.W. Walbank
Reviewed by Richard M. Haywood

Corpus inscriptionum et monumentorum religionis Mithriacae (pp. 243–244)
By M.J. Vermaseren
Reviewed by Martin P. Nilsson

La Découverte du Laocoon (p. 244)
By C.C. van Essen
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber

Severisches Relief in Palazzo Sacchetti (pp. 244–245)
By Ludwig Budde
Reviewed by Cornelius Vermeule

The Bronze Vessels in the Rijksmuseum G.M. Kam at Nijmegen (pp. 246–247)
By Maria H.P. den Boesterd
Reviewed by Joan Liversidge

Roman Life (p. 247)
By Mary Johnston
Reviewed by Ruth I. Hicks

The Shrine of St. Peter and the Vatican Excavations (pp. 247–248)
By Jocelyn Toynbee and John Ward Perkins
Reviewed by Glanville Downey

The Synagogue (pp. 248–251)
By C.H. Kraeling
Reviewed by Erwin R. Goodenough

The Archaeology of Humboldt Cave, Churchill County, Nevada (pp. 251–252)
By Robert F. Heizer and Alex D. Krieger
Reviewed by Robert F. Burgh

Klamath Prehistory. The Prehistory of the Culture of the Klamath Lake Area, Oregon (p. 252)
By L.S. Cressman
Reviewed by Clement W. Meighan

Archeology of the Funeral Mound, Ocmulgee National Monument, Georgia (pp. 252–254)
By Charles H. Fairbanks
Reviewed by Stephen Williams

The Ancient Maya by Sylvanus Griswold Morley and Betty Bell; Maya Art and Civilization, by Herbert Joseph Spinden (pp. 254–255)
Reviewed by Raymond H. Thompson

A Chancay-Style Grave at Zapallan, Peru (pp. 255–256)
By S.K. Lothrop and Joy Mahler
Reviewed by A.H. Gayton

Ceramic Sequence at Uaxactun, Guatemala (pp. 256–257)
By Robert E. Smith
Reviewed by Gordon R. Willey