October 1959 (63.4)

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Volume Index

Volume 63 (1959) Index (Open Access)


Notes on a New Edition of Michaelis: Ancient Marbles in Great Britain. Part Three: 2 (pp. 329–348)
C. Vermeule and D. von Bothmer

The Corinthian Chimaera Painter (pp. 349–363)
Patricia Lawrence

On the Reconstruction of the Vatican Laocoon Group (pp. 365–369)
Seymour Howard

Pattern Families in Nabataean Painted Ware (pp. 371–382) 
Philip C. Hammond, Jr.

News Letter from Rome (pp. 383–394)
A.W. van Buren

Book Reviews

Abstracts of the Technical Literature on Archaeology and the Fine Arts, I, 1–4, II, 1–2, 1955–1958 (p. 395)
Reviewed by Elisabeth Packard

Inyanga. Prehistoric Settlements in Southern Rhodesia (p. 395)
By Roger Summers
Reviewed by F. Clark Howell

The Royal Cemeteries of Kush, Volume IV: Royal Tombs at Meroë and Barkal (pp. 395–397)
By Dows Dunham
Reviewed by William Kelly Simpson

Studien zur Polychromie des Plastik. I. Ägypten: Erwägungen über die ursprüngliche Farberscheinung insbesondere der Skulpturen aus schwarzem und grünlichen Hartstein. Mit einem Exkurs über die Hautfarben der ägyptischen Götter (pp. 397–398)
By Patrik Reuterswärd
Reviewed by Elizabeth Riefstahl

L’Art des Cyclades, du début à la fin de L’Age de Bronze, 2500–1100 avant notre ère (p. 398)
By Christian Zervos
Reviewed by Emily Townsend Vermeule

Exochi. Ein frührhodisches Gräberfeld (pp. 398–399)
By K. Friis Johansen
Reviewed by John Boardman

Fouilles de Xanthos. I, Les Piliers Funéraires (pp. 400–401)
By Pierre Demargne
Reviewed by Gisela M. A. Richter

The Athenian Agora. V. The Greek Lamps and Their Survivals (pp. 401–403)
By Richard Hubbard Howland
Reviewed by Oscar Broneer              

Thésée, Images et Récits (pp. 403–404)
By Ch. Dugas and R. Flacelière
Reviewed by Christoph Clairmont

Études d’archéologie classique I, 1955–1956 (p. 404)
Reviewed by Mary Campbell Roebuck

Robert Boehringer, Eine Freundesgabe (pp. 404–405)
By Erich Boehringer
Reviewed by Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

Antike Reiterstandbilder (p. 406)
By H. v. Roques de Maumont
Reviewed by Dorothy Kent Hill

Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period. Vols. 7 and 8, Pagan Symbols in Judaism (pp. 406–407)
By Erwin R. Goodenough
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann

I monumenti della parte meridionale del Foro Romano (p. 407)
By Sandro Stucchi
Reviewed by Dorothy M. Robathan

Das Römergrab in Weiden bei Köln (pp. 407–409) 
By Fritz Fremersdorf
Reviewed by Joan Liversidge

Le théâtre de Philippopolis en Arabie (p. 409)
By Pierre Coupel and Edmond Frézouls
Reviewed by John Arthur Hanson

Monuments chrétiens d’Hippone, ville episcopale de Saint Augustin (pp. 409–410)
By Erwan Marec
Reviewed by Emerson H. Swift

Die Kunst der Römerzeit in Gallien, Germanien und Britannien (p. 410)
By Helmut Schoppa and Helga Schmidt-Glassner
Reviewed by Olwen Brogan

Roman and Native in North Britain (pp. 410–411)
By I.A. Richmond
Reviewed by Anne S. Robertson

Recueil des bronzes de Bavai (pp. 411–412)
By Germaine Faider-Feytmans
Reviewed by Dorothy Kent Hill

The Great Palace of the Byzantine Emperors: Second Report (pp. 412–413)
By David Talbot Rice
Reviewed by Robert Scranton

Early Christian Ireland (pp. 413–414)
By Máire de Paor and Liam de Paor
Reviewed by Kathleen Hughes

Trend and Tradition in the Prehistory of the Eastern United States (pp. 414–416)
By Joseph R. Caldwell
Reviewed by James B. Griffin

Digging into History (p. 416)
By Paul S. Martin
Reviewed by Joe Ben Wheat

Pecos, New Mexico: Archaeological Notes (pp. 416–418)
By Alfred Vincent Kidder
Reviewed by Watson Smith