April 1991 (95.2)
Browse the content of the issue below.
Browse the content of the issue below.
Notes on the Towers and Borders of Classical Boiotia (pp. 193–202)
John McKesson Camp, II
The Naked Standing Goddess: A Group of Archaic Terracotta Figurines from Paestum (pp. 203–230)
Rebecca Miller Ammerman
The Tel Shalem Hadrian Reconsidered (pp. 231–251)
Richard A. Gergel
Archaeology in Jordan (pp. 253–280)
Bert de Vries
Kenan Tevfik Erim, 1929–1990 (pp. 281–283)
G.W. Bowersock
The 92nd Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (pp. 285–339)
Quantifying Diversity in Archaeology (pp. 341–342)
By R.D. Leonard and G.T. Jones
Reviewed by Albert J. Ammerman
The Ethics of Collecting Cultural Property: Whose Culture? Whose Property? (pp. 342–344)
By Phyllis Mauch Messenger
Reviewed by Oscar White Muscarella
The Return of Cultural Treasures (pp. 342–344)
By Jeanette Greenfield
Reviewed by Oscar White Muscarella
Samos II. Das Kastro Tigani: Die spätneolithische und chalkolithische siedlung (pp. 344–345)
By R.C.S. Felsch
Reviewed by Nikos Efstratiou
Early Ireland: An Introduction to Irish Prehistory (pp. 346–347)
By Michael J. O’Kelly
Reviewed by John Moreland
The Aegean and the East: An Investigation into the Transference of Artistic Motifs between the Aegean, Egypt, and the Near East in the Bronze Age (pp. 347–348)
By Janice L. Crowley
Reviewed by Karen Polinger Foster
Les chevaux de bronze dans l’art géométrique grec (pp. 348–349)
By Jean-Louis Zimmermann
Reviewed by Susan Langdon
Greek Sculpture: An Exploration (pp. 349–351)
By Andrew Stewart
Reviewed by Carol C. Mattusch
The Frieze from the Hera I Temple at Foce del Sele (pp. 351–352)
By Frances van Keuren
Reviewed by Barbara A. Barletta
Art and Cult under the Tyrants in Athens (p. 352)
By H.A. Shapiro
Reviewed by Lynn E. Roller
Syracuse, the Fairest Greek City: Ancient Art from the Museo Archeologico Regionale “Paolo Orsi” (pp. 352–353)
By Bonna Daix Wescoat
Reviewed by Frances van Keuren
Der römische Triumph. Siegesfeiern im antiken Rom (pp. 353–354)
By Ernst Künzl
Reviewed by Laetitia La Follette
Radiance in Stone: Sculptures in Colored Marble from the Museo Nazionale Romano (pp. 354–355)
By Maxwell L. Anderson and Leila Nista
Reviewed by Frances van Keuren
Il bronzo dei Romani: Arredo e suppellettile (pp. 355–356)
By Lucia Pirzio Biroli Stefanelli
Reviewed by Eugene Dwyer
La Casa dei Cervi a Herculanum (pp. 356–357)
By Tran Tam Tinh
Reviewed by Christopher Parslow
The Greek Renaissance in the Roman Empire. Papers from the Tenth British Museum Classical Colloquium (pp. 357–358)
By Susan Walker and Averil Cameron
Reviewed by G.W. Bowersock
Münzen und Städte Phrygiens, Teil II by Hans von Aulock; Die Münzstätte von Thessaloniki in der römischen Kaiserzeit (32/31 v. Chr. Bis 268 n. Chr.) (pp. 358–360)
By Ioannis Touratsoglou
Reviewed by Barbara Burrell
Gräber: Spiegel des Lebens. Totenbrauchtum der Kelten und Römer (pp. 360–361)
By Alfred Haffner
Reviewed by Peter S. Wells
Puzzle gaulois: Les Gaules in mémoire. Images, textes, histoire (pp. 361–362)
By Monique Clavel-Levêque
Reviewed by Carole L. Crumley
2000 Jahre Römer in Westfalen (p. 362)
By R. Asskamp
Reviewed by Willem J.H. Willems
The Silchester Amphitheatre. Excavations of 1979–85 (pp. 363–364)
By Michael G. Fulford
Reviewed by David L. Bomgardner
Excavations at Sabratha 1948–1951 II. The Finds, Pt. 1: The Amphorae, Coarse Pottery and Building Materials (pp. 364–365)
By John Dore and Nina Keay
Reviewed by Virginia R. Anderson-Stojanovic
Kaiser Baupolitik in Nordafrika. Studien zu den Bauinschriften der diokletianischen Zeit und ihrer räumlichen Verteilung in den römischen Provinzen Nordafrikas (pp. 365–366)
By Gerhard Waldher
Reviewed by R. Bruce Hitchner
The Anglo-Saxon Achievement (pp. 366–367)
By Richard Hodges
Reviewed by Mark Gardiner
Antikenzeichnung und Antikenstudium in Renaissance und Frühbarock. Akten des internationalen Symposions 8.–10. September 1986 in Coburg (pp. 367–369)
By Richard Harprath and Henning Wrede
Reviewed by Phyllis Pray Bober
List of Books Received (pp. 369–371)