October 1991 (95.4)

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AJA 1987-2013

Volume Index

Volume 95 (1991) Index (Open Access)

Field Report

Survey of the ’Abu Sha’ar-Nile Road (pp. 571–622)
Steven E. Sidebotham, Ronald E. Zitterkopf and John A. Riley


Single Greaves in the Late Helladic Period (pp. 623–627)
Diane Fortenberry

The Iconography of Mourning in Athenian Art (pp. 629–656)
H.A. Shapiro

Europa and the Nereids: Wedding or Funeral? (pp. 657–667)
Judith M. Barringer

Rhodian Sculpture Workshops (pp. 669–681)
Virginia C. Goodlett


Archaeology in Syria (pp. 683–740)
Harvey Weiss

Book Reviews

Phytolith Analysis: An Archaeological and Geological Perspective (p. 741)
By Dolores R. Piperno
Reviewed by Stanton W. Green

An Inquiry into the Ethnic Resolution of Mesolithic Regional Groups (pp. 741–742)
By R.R. Newell, D. Kielman, T.S. Constandse-Westermann, W.A.B. van der Sanden, and A. van Gijn
Reviewed by L.G. Straus

Les civilisations égéennes du Néolithique et de l’Age du Bronze (pp. 742–743)
By René Treuil, Pascal Darcque, Jean-Claude Poursat, and Gilles Touchais
Reviewed by John E. Rexine

Emerging Complexity: The Later Prehistory of South-East Spain, Iberia, and the West Mediterranean (pp. 743–744)
By Robert Chapman
Reviewed by Antonio Gilman

Bâb edh-Dhrâʿ: Excavations in the Cemetery Directed by Paul W. Lapp (1965–67) (pp. 744–745)
By R. Thomas Schaub and Walter E. Rast
Reviewed by Eliot Braun

Cyprus and the East Mediterranean in the Iron Age: Proceedings of the Seventh British Museum Classical Colloquium, April 1988 (pp. 745–746)
By Veronica A. Tatton-Brown
Reviewed by David W. Rupp

Proceedings of the First International Conference on Archaic Greek Architectural Terracottas, December 2–4, 1988 (pp. 746–747)
By Nancy A. Winter
Reviewed by Gloria S. Merker

Classical Zeus. A Study in Art and Literature (pp. 747–748)
By K.W. Arafat
Reviewed by H.A. Shapiro

The Phiale Painter (pp. 748–750)
By John H. Oakley
Reviewed by Susan B. Matheson

Kerameikos XIV: Die Eckterrasse an der Gräberstrasse des Kerameikos (pp. 750–751)
By Wilfried K. Kovacsovics
Reviewed by Ian Morris

Le donne in Etruria (pp. 751–752)
By Antonia Rallo
Reviewed by Shirley J. Schwarz

Le tombe da Saturnia nel Museo Archeologico di Firenze (pp. 752–753)
By Luigi Donati
Reviewed by Nigel Spivey

Scavi nell’oppidum preromando di Genova (Genova-S. Silvestro 1) (pp. 753–754)
By Marco Milanese
Reviewed by Maurizio Gualtieri

Das Hadrianstor in Ephesos (pp. 754–755)
By Hilke Thür
Reviewed by Shelley C. Stone

Die Kontorniat-Medaillons (pp. 755–756)
By Andreas Alföldi and Elisabeth Alföldi
Reviewed by William E. Metcalf

The Archaeology of Early Medieval Ireland (pp. 756–758)
By Nancy Edwards
Reviewed by John Moreland

The Forgotten Hermitage of Skellig Michael (pp. 758–759)
By Walter Horn, Jenny White Marshall, and Grellan D. Rourke
Reviewed by Clark Maines

La porta urbana nel medioevo. Porta Soprana di Sant’Andrea in Genova: Immagine di una città (p. 759)
By Colette Dufour Bozzo
Reviewed by Dorothy F. Glass

Books Received

List of Books Received  (pp. 760–763)