The Docimian Marble of the Ludovisi and Capitoline Gauls and Other Replicas of the Pergamene DedicationsOctober 2011 (115.4) ArticleBy Donato Attanasio, Matthias Bruno and Walter Prochaska
Also 10 Tribal Units: The Grouping of Cavalry on the Parthenon North FriezeOctober 2011 (115.4) ArticleBy Toshihiro Osada
The Mycenaean Administration of Textile Production in the Palace of Knossos: Observations on the Lc(1) Textile TargetsOctober 2011 (115.4) ArticleBy Marie-Louise B. Nosch
Photographing Dura-Europos, 1928–1937: An Archaeology of the ArchiveJuly 2011 (115.3) ArticleBy J.A. Baird
The Roman Centuriated Landscape: Conception, Genesis, and Development as Inferred from the Ager Tarraconensis CaseJuly 2011 (115.3) ArticleBy Josep Maria Palet and Hèctor A. Orengo
Variations on a Theme: Dual-Processual Theory and the Foreign Impact on Mycenaean and Classic Maya ArchitectureJuly 2011 (115.3) ArticleBy Joshua D. Englehardt and Donna M. Nagle
Transport Stirrup Jars from the Southern Levant: New Light on Commodity Exchange in the Eastern MediterraneanJuly 2011 (115.3) ArticleBy David Ben-Shlomo, Eleni Nodarou and Jeremy B. Rutter