Issue: 121.4
La romanisation de l’Illyrie méridionale et de la Chaônie
October 2017 (121.4) Book Review
Open Access
By Saimir Shpuza
Reviewed by Will Bowden
De Africa Romaque: Merging Cultures Across North Africa
October 2017 (121.4) Book Review
Open Access
Edited by Niccolò Mugnai, Julia Nikolaus, and Nick Ray
Reviewed by Stefan Ardeleanu
An Oasis City
October 2017 (121.4) Book Review
Open Access
By Roger S. Bagnall, Nicola Aravecchia, Raffaella Cribiore, Paola Davoli, Olaf E. Kaper, and Susanna McFadden
Reviewed by Gillian Bowen
The Pantheon: From Antiquity to the Present
October 2017 (121.4) Book Review
Open Access
Edited by Tod A. Marder and Mark Wilson Jones
Reviewed by Rabun Taylor
The Architecture of the Roman Triumph: Monuments, Memory, and Identity
October 2017 (121.4) Book Review
Open Access
By Maggie L. Popkin
Reviewed by Jeremy Armstrong
Beyond Boundaries: Connecting Visual Cultures in the Provinces of Ancient Rome
October 2017 (121.4) Book Review
Open Access
Edited by Susan E. Alcock, Mariana Egri, and James F.D. Frakes
Reviewed by Tatiana Ivleva
Theater and Spectacle in the Art of the Roman Empire
October 2017 (121.4) Book Review
Open Access
Katherine M.D. Dunbabin
Reviewed by Sinclair W. Bell
An Urban Geography of the Roman World, 100 BC to AD 300
October 2017 (121.4) Book Review
Open Access
By J.W. Hanson
Reviewed by Damjan Donev and Rinse Willet
Catania: Archeologia e città I. Il progetto OPENCiTy: Banca Dati, GIS e WebGIS
October 2017 (121.4) Book Review
Open Access
Edited by Daniele Malfitana, Antonino Mazzaglia, and Giuseppe Cacciaguerra
Reviewed by Carlo De Domenico