Archaeological Work on Hellenistic and Roman Egypt, 2000–2009January 2011 (115.1) NewsletterBy Roger Bagnall and Paola Davoli
A New Plan for an Ancient Italian City: Gabii RevealedOctober 2009 (113.4) Field ReportBy Jeffrey A. Becker, Marcello Mogetta and Nicola Terrenato
Archaeology in Bulgaria, 2007–2009October 2010 (114.4) NewsletterBy Ivo D. Cholakov and Krastyu Chukalev
Archaeology in Jordan, 2008 and 2009 SeasonsJuly 2010 (114.3) NewsletterBy Donald R. Keller and Christopher A. Tuttle
The Tarquinia Project: A Summary of 25 Years of ExcavationJanuary 2010 (114.1) Field ReportBy Maria Bonghi Jovino
New Excavations of the Early Nomadic Burial Ground at Filippovka (Southern Ural Region, Russia)January 2010 (114.1) Field ReportOpen AccessBy Leonid Teodorovich Yablonsky
Settlement Structure in Laconia and Attica at the End of the Archaic Period: The Fractal DimensionJuly 2009 (113.3) ArticleBy William G. Cavanagh
Erotes on the Euphrates: A Figured Frieze in a Private House at Hellenistic Jebel Khalid on the EuphratesApril 2009 (113.2) Field ReportBy Heather Jackson
Tracing Late Roman Rural Occupation in Adriatic Central ItalyJanuary 2009 (113.1) Field ReportBy Hélène Verreyke and Frank Vermeulen
Archaeological Research at Aphrodisias in Caria, 2002–2005October 2008 (112.4) Field ReportBy Christopher Ratté and R.R.R. Smith