April 2012 (116.2)

Browse the content of the issue below.

AJA 1987-2013

Print Museum Reviews

No Longer Banned in Boston(pp. 369–375)

By H.A. Shapiro

Book Reviews

Beyond the Ubaid: Transformation and Integration in the Late Prehistoric Societies of the Middle East

Open Access

Edited by Robert A. Carter and Graham Philip

Reviewed by Marcella Frangipane

Khirbat Iskandar: Final Report on the Early Bronze IV Area C “Gateway” and Cemeteries

Open Access

Edited by Suzanne Richard, Jesse C. Long, Jr., Paul S. Holdorf, and Glen Peterman

Reviewed by Kay Prag

Assyriens Könige an einer der Quellen des Tigris: Archäologische Forschungen im Höhlensystem von Birkleyn und am sogenannten Tigris-Tunnel

Open Access

By Andreas Schachner

Reviewed by Reinhard Bernbeck

Images of Woman and Child from the Bronze Age: Reconsidering Fertility, Maternity, and Gender in the Ancient World

Open Access

By Stephanie L. Budin

Reviewed by Beth Alpert Nakhai

Aegean and Cypro-Aegean Non-Sphragistic Decorated Gold Finger Rings of the Bronze Age

Open Access

By Ingo Pini

Reviewed by John G. Younger

The Gordion Wooden Objects. Vol. 1, The Furniture from Tumulus MM

Open Access

By Elizabeth Simpson

Reviewed by Elizabeth P. Baughan

Attika: Archäologie einer “zentralen” Kulturlandschaft. Akten der internationalen Tagung vom 18.–20. Mai 2007 in Marburg

Open Access

Edited by Hans Lohmann and Torsten Mattern

Reviewed by Ilaria Bultrighini

I frontoni arcaici dell’Acropoli di Atene

Open Access

By Fabrizio Santi

Reviewed by Andrew Stewart

The Art of the Hekatompedon Inscription and the Birth of the Stoikhedon Style

Open Access

By Patricia A. Butz

Reviewed by M.B. Richardson

Marathon: The Battle and the Ancient Deme

Open Access

Edited by Kostas Buraselis and Katerina Meidani

Reviewed by Peter Krentz

Κατάλογος Γλυπτών του αρχαιολογικού μουσείου Θεσσαλονίκης. Vol. 3

Open Access

Edited by Giorgos Despines, Theodosia Stephanidou-Tiveriou, and Emmanuel Voutyras

Reviewed by Mary C. Sturgeon

Eros nella Grecia arcaica e classica: Iconografia e iconologia

Open Access

By Elisa Pellegrini

Reviewed by Anthi Dipla

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Germany 89. Berlin, Antikensammlung ehemals Antiquarium 12: Attisch Weissgrundige Lekythen

Open Access

By Nina Zimmermann-Elseify

Reviewed by Mary B. Moore

The Art of Building in the Classical World: Vision, Craftsmanship, and Linear Perspective in Greek and Roman Architecture

Open Access

By John Senseney

Reviewed by Thomas Noble Howe

Berenike and the Ancient Maritime Spice Route

Open Access

By Steven E. Sidebotham

Reviewed by Duane W. Roller

The Barbarians of Ancient Europe: Realities and Interactions

Open Access

Edited by Larissa Bonfante

Reviewed by Bettina Arnold

State Formation in Italy and Greece: Questioning the Neoevolutionist Paradigm

Open Access

Edited by Nicola Terrenato and Donald C. Haggis

Reviewed by Robert Schon

Ceramica etrusco-corinzia del Museo archeologico di Tarquinia

Open Access

By Roberta Gabrielli

Reviewed by Jean Macintosh Turfa

The Formation of Roman Urbanism 338–200 B.C.: Between Contemporary Foreign Influence and Roman Tradition

Open Access

By Jamie Sewell

Reviewed by Ray Laurence

Roman Imperialism and Civic Patronage: Form, Meaning, and Ideology in Monumental Fountain Complexes

Open Access

By Brenda Longfellow

Reviewed by Barbara Burrell

Books Received

List of Books Received

Open Access