July 2019 (123.3)

Browse the content of the issue below.

Field Reports

Babylonian Encounters in the Upper Diyala River Valley: Contextualizing the Results of Regional Survey and the 2016–2017 Excavations at Khani Masi(pp. 439–471)

By Claudia Glatz, Jesse Casana, Robin Bendrey, Emma L. Baysal, Daniel Calderbank, Francesca Chelazzi, Francesco Del Bravo, Neil Erskine, Mette Marie Hald, Elise Jakoby Laugier, Eric Jensen, and Elsa Perruchini

New Approaches to Late Bronze Age Urban Landscapes on Cyprus: Investigations at Kalavasos-Ayios Dhimitrios, 2012–2016(pp. 473–507)

Open Access

By Kevin D. Fisher, Sturt W. Manning, and Thomas M. Urban


Barbara Tsakirgis, 1954–2019(pp. 509–512)

Open Access

By Carla M. Antonaccio and Kathleen M. Lynch

Online Review Articles

Mycenaean Cemeteries in the Peloponnese

Open Access

Reviewed by Brendan Burke

Book Reviews

The Evolution of Human Co-operation: Ritual and Social Complexity in Stateless Societies

Open Access

by Charles Stanish

Reviewed by David S. Brose

Persepolis West (Fars, Iran): Report on the Field Work Carried Out by the Iranian-Italian Joint Archaeological Mission in 2008–2009

Open Access

By Alireza Askari Chaverdi and Pierfrancesco Callieri

Reviewed by Ali Mousavi

In Search of the Phoenicians

Open Access

By Josephine C. Quinn

Reviewed by Fabio Porzia

Sea Peoples of the Northern Levant? Aegean-Style Pottery from Early Iron Age Tell Tayinat

Open Access

By Brian Janeway

Reviewed by Jeffrey P. Emanuel

The Early Iron Age: The Cemeteries

Open Access

By John K. Papadopoulos and Evelyn Lord Smithson

Reviewed by Antonis Kotsonas

Lerna: A Preclassical Site in the Argolid. Vol. 8, The Historical Greek Village

Open Access

By Brice L. Erickson

Reviewed by Susan I. Rotroff

The Sanctuary of Athena at Sounion

Open Access

By Barbara Barletta

Reviewed by Jessica Paga

A Companion to Sparta

Open Access

Edited by Anton Powell

Reviewed by Elizabeth Langridge-Noti

Tartessos and the Phoenicians in Iberia

Open Access

By Sebastián Celestino and Carolina López-Ruiz

Reviewed by Manuel Fernández-Götz

Mégara Hyblaea 7: La ville classique, hellénistique et romaine

Open Access

By Henri Tréziny

Reviewed by Niccolò Mugnai

Entrepôts et circuits de distribution en Méditerranée antique

Open Access

Edited by Véronique Chankowski, Xavier Lafon, and Catherine Virlouvet

Reviewed by Astrid Van Oyen

Die Sakralarchitektur der kommagenischen Hierothesia und Temene

Open Access

By Werner Oenbrink

Reviewed by Winfried Held

Nuovi studi sulla Regia di Roma

Open Access

Edited by Paolo Brocato and Nicola Terrenato

Reviewed by Aura Piccioni

Fluvial Landscapes in the Roman World

Open Access

Edited by Tyler V. Franconi

Reviewed by Andrea L. Brock

Senses of the Empire: Multisensory Approaches to Roman Culture

Open Access

Edited by Eleanor Betts

Reviewed by Kimberly Cassibry

Les boutiques d’Ostie: L’économie urbaine au quotidien. Ier s. av. J.-C.–Ve s. ap. J.-C.

Open Access

By Julien Schoevaert

Reviewed by Jared T. Benton

Dokimenische Säulensarkophage: Datierung und Deutung

Open Access

By Volker Michael Strocka

Reviewed by Alice Christ

Londinium: A Biography. Roman London from Its Origins to the Fifth Century

Open Access

By Richard Hingley

Reviewed by John Creighton