January 1983 (87.1)
Browse the content of the issue below.
Browse the content of the issue below.
Editorial Letter (p. 1)
Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway and Tamara Stech
The Date of the Temples near Kourno in Lakonia (pp. 3–10)
E. Joan and Frederick E. Winter
Sextus Pompey, Octavian and Sicily (pp. 11–22)
Shelley C. Stone, III
Palaepharsalus-The Battle and the Town (pp. 23–54)
John D. Morgan
Studies in Roman Theater Design (pp. 55–68)
David B. Small
Some Observations on the Cyclades in the Later Third and Early Second Millennia (pp. 69–76)
Jeremy Rutter
The Definition of the Middle Cycladic Period (pp. 76–81)
R.L.N. Barber
On the Relative Chronologies of Early Cycladic IIIA and Early Helladic III (pp. 81–83)
J.A. MacGillivray
More on Mycenaeans at Thera (pp. 83–85)
J.L. Crowley
Two Notes on Lakonian Vases (pp. 85–89)
Gerald P. Schaus
A New Attic Black Figure Potter (pp. 89–90)
Alan L. Boegehold
Notes on Small Textile Frames Pictured on Greek Vases (pp. 91–96)
Louise Clark
Warping the Greek Loom: A Second Method (pp. 96–99)
Diane Lee Carroll
Once More the Diadem and Barrel-Vault at Vergina (pp. 99–102)
Ernst A. Fredricksmeyer
“Golden Diadems” Again (pp. 102–103)
William Musgrave Calder, III
Tree-Ring Dating and Archaeology (pp. 105–106)
By M.G.L. Bailli
Reviewed by Peter Ian Kuniholm
Women as Interpreters of the Visual Arts, 1820–1979 (p. 106)
By Claire Richter Sherman and Adele M. Holcomb
Reviewed by Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway
Alt-Ägina III, 1: Die vorgeschichtliche Stadt. Befestigungen, Häuser, Funde (pp. 106–108)
By Hans Walter and Florens Felten
Reviewed by Jeremy Rutter
Mycenaean Greece (pp. 108–109)
By Richard Hope Simpson
Reviewed by Jack L. Davis
Four Early Mycenaean Wells from the South Slope of the Acropolis at Athens (pp. 109–110)
By P.A. Mountjoy
Reviewed by Carol Zerner
Alasia 2. les tombes d’Enkomi: Le mobilier funéraire (p. 110)
By Jacques-Claude Courtois
Reviewed by Emily Vermeule
The Standing Armed Figurines in the Levant (pp. 110–111)
By Helga Seeden
Reviewed by Jeanny Vorys Canby
The Ships of the Ancient Near East (c. 2000–500 B.C.) (pp. 111–112)
By Marie-Christine de Graeve
Reviewed by Corethia Qualls
Clazomenian Sarcophagi (pp. 112–113)
By R.M. Cook
Reviewed by Gerald P. Schaus
Studies in Attic Epigraphy, History and Topography Presented to Eugene Vanderpool (pp. 113–115)
Reviewed by John McK. Camp, II
Kerameikos 12. Rundbauten im Kerameikos (pp. 115–118)
By Wolf Koenigs, Ursula Knigge, and Alfred Mallwitz
Reviewed by Malcolm Bell
Out of Etruria. Etruscan Influences North and South (pp. 118–119)
By Larissa Bonfante
Reviewed by Dorothy Kent Hill
Recherches sur Nîmes préromaine: Habitats et sépultures (pp. 119–120)
By Michel Py
Reviewed by E.M. Wightman
Kenchreai, Eastern Port of Corinth, 5. The Lamps (pp. 120–121)
By Hector Williams
Reviewed by J.W. Hayes
L’Egittomania in pitture e mosaici romano-campani della prima età imperiale (pp. 121–122)
By Mariette de Vos
Reviewed by David L. Thompson
Justinianic Mosaic Pavements in Cyrenaican Churches (p. 122)
By Elisabeth Alföldi-Rosenbaum and John Ward-Perkins
Reviewed by Marie Spiro
The Archaeology of Roman Pannonia (pp. 122–123)
By A. Lengyel and G.T.B. Radan
Reviewed by Robert J. Rowland, Jr.
Ensérune, les silos de la terrace est (pp. 123–124)
By Hubert Gallet de Santerre
Reviewed by Lucinda Neuru
Das römische Gräberfeld von Keszthely-Dobogó (pp. 124–125)
By Károly Sági
Reviewed by Alfonz Lengyel
Tracht und Schmuck in Birka und im ostbaltischen Raum. Eine vergleichende Studie (pp. 125–126)
By Valdemārs Ģinters
Reviewed by Elfriede R. Knauer
List of Books Received (pp. 126–129)
Recent Dissertations in Archaeology (p. 129)
Clairève Grandjouan (1929–1982) (pp. 131–132)
Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway