January 1994 (98.1)
Browse the content of the issue below.
Browse the content of the issue below.
Archaeology in Asia Minor/Anatolia, 1955–1993 (pp. 1–3)
Fred S. Kleiner
Early Bronze Age III Pottery from Bahçehisar: The Significance of the Pre-Hittite Sequence in the Eskişehir Plain, Northwestern Anatolia (pp. 5–34)
Turan Efe
A Lead Seal from Tsoungiza, Ancient Nemea, and Early Bronze Age Aegean Sealing Systems (pp. 35–52)
Daniel J. Pullen
The “Pillar of Oinomaos” and the Location of Stadium I at Olympia (pp. 53–64)
Eric L. Brulotte
The Goddess Ceres in the Ara Pacis Augustae and the Carthage Relief (pp. 65–100)
Barbette Stanley Spaeth
Archaeology in Syria (pp. 101–158)
Harvey Weiss
Archaeological Lives (pp. 159–161)
Stephen L. Dyson
The Origins of Agriculture: An International Perspective (p. 162)
By C. Wesley Cowan and Patty Jo Watson
Reviewed by Christopher Edens
Atti della Tavola rotonda internazionale: Archeologia della pastorizia nell’Europa meridionale, Chiavari, 22–24 settembre 1989 I–II (p. 163)
By R. Maggi, R. Nisbet, and G. Barker
Reviewed by Robert J. Rowland, Jr.
An Introduction to Materials (p. 164)
By Graham Weaver et al.
Reviewed by Catherine Sease
Cleaning (p. 164)
By Anne Moncrieff and Graham Weaver
Reviewed by Catherine Sease
Adhesives and Coatings (p. 164)
By Charles Newey et al.
Reviewed by Catherine Sease
H Νεολιθική Νέα Μάκρη: Τα οικοδομικά (p. 165)
By Maria Pantelidou Gofas
Reviewed by Alexandra Kalogirou
Excavations at Nichoria in Southwest Greece II: The Bronze Age Occupation (pp. 165–167)
By William A. McDonald and Nancy C. Wilkie
Reviewed by Patrick M. Thomas
The Prepalatial Cemeteries at Mochlos and Gournia and the House Tombs of Bronze Age Crete (pp. 167–168)
By Jeffrey S. Soles
Reviewed by Christopher TenWolde
New Perspectives in Early Greek Art (pp. 168–169)
By Diana Buitron-Oliver
Reviewed by Mary Stieber
The Art of Vase-Painting in Classical Athens (pp. 169–170)
By Martin Robertson
Reviewed by Mary B. Moore
La redécouverte de Delphes (pp. 170–171)
By O. Picard and E. Pentazos
Reviewed by Michael F. Arnush
Progetto i nuraghi. Ricognizione archeologica in Ogliastra, Barbagia, Sarcidano: I reperti (pp. 171–172)
By Andreina Ricci
Reviewed by Robert J. Rowland, Jr.
Secondo Congresso internazionale etrusco, Firenze, 26 maggio–2 giugno 1985. Atti I–III (pp. 172–175)
Reviewed by Helen Nagy
Culture and National Identity in Republican Rome (pp. 175–176)
By Erich S. Gruen
Reviewed by Karl Galinsky
Roman Aqueducts and Water Supply (p. 176)
By A. Trevor Hodge
Reviewed by Harry B. Evans
Sicily under the Roman Empire: The Archaeology of a Roman Province 36 B.C.–A.D. 535 (pp. 176–177)
By R.J.A. Wilson
Reviewed by Barbara Tsakirgis
Temples et cultes de Tripolitaine (pp. 178–179)
By Véronique Brouquier-Reddé
Reviewed by William E. Mierse
Diocletian’s Palace, Split: Residence of a Retired Roman Emperor (pp. 179–180)
By J.J. Wilkes
Reviewed by Sheila McNally
The West Midlands in the Early Middle Ages (pp. 180–181)
By Margaret Gelling
Reviewed by Mark E. Hall
Firuzabad: Palace City of the Deccan (pp. 181–182)
By George Michell and Richard Eaton
Reviewed by Jonathan M. Bloom
The Woburn Abbey Collection of Classical Antiquities (pp. 182–183)
By Elizabeth Angelicoussis
Reviewed by Claire L. Lyons
Die antiken Skulpturen des Musée Municipal von Château-Gontier (pp. 182–183)
By Andreas Linfert
Reviewed by Claire L. Lyons
List of Books Received (pp. 184–187)