April 2009 (113.2)

Browse the content of the issue below.

AJA 1987-2013

Print Museum Reviews

Pompeii in Washington(pp. 279–285)

By Michael Koortbojian

Online Museum Reviews

War and Peace: Housing the Ara Pacis in the Eternal City

Open Access

By Maria José Strazzulla

Book Reviews

Negotiating the Past in the Past: Identity, Memory and Landscape in Archaeological Research

Open Access

Edited by Norman Yoffee

Reviewed by Hamish Forbes

The Human Fossil Record. Vol. 4, Craniodental Morphology of Early Hominids (Genera Australopithecus, Parathropus, Orrorin): An Overview

Open Access

By Jeffery H. Schwartz and Ian Tattersall

Reviewed by Janet Monge

Gender Through Time in the Ancient Near East

Open Access

Edited by Diane Bolger

Reviewed by Susan Pollock

Arslantepe Cretulae: An Early Centralised Administrative System Before Writing

Open Access

By M. Fragipane, P. Ferioli, E. Fiandra, R. Laurito, and H. Pittman

Reviewed by Judith Weingarten

The Urals and Western Siberia in the Bronze and Iron Ages

Open Access

By Ludmila Vladimirovich Koryakova and Andrej Epimakhov

Reviewed by Alison Betts

Mummies and Death in Egypt

Open Access

By Françoise Dunand and Roger Lichtenberg

Reviewed by Rosalie David

Excavations at Kadesh Barnea (Tell El-Qudeirat) 1976–1982

Open Access

Edited by Rudolph Cohen and Hannah Bernick-Greenberg

Reviewed by Avraham Faust

People of the Red Sea: Proceedings of Red Sea Project II Held in the British Museum October 2004

Open Access

Edited by Janet C.M. Starkey

Reviewed by Cheryl Ward

Stone Vessels in the Levant

Open Access

By Rachael Thyrza Sparks

Reviewed by James A. Harrell

Economics of Religion in the Mycenaean World: Resources Dedicated to Religion in the Mycenaean Palace Economy

Open Access

By Lisa Marie Bendall

Reviewed by Michael L. Galaty

La Céramique Grecque à Reliefs: Ateliers insulaires du VIIe au VIe siécle avant J.-C.

Open Access

By Eva Simantoni-Bournia

Reviewed by Miriam Caskey

Literacy and the State in the Ancient Mediterranean

Open Access

Edited by Kathryn Lomas

Reviewed by James Whitley

La distribución de cerámica griega en la Contestania ibérica: El puerto comercial de La Illeta dels Banyets

Open Access

By Josep Miguel García Martín

Reviewed by Adolfo J. Domínguez

L’archéologie du Fars à l’époque hellénistique: Quatre leçons au Collége de France 8, 15, 22 et 29 mars 2007

Open Access

By Pierfrancesco Callieri

Reviewed by Daniel T. Potts

Early Roman Towns in Hispania Tarraconensis

Open Access

Edited by L. Abad Casal, S. Keay, and S. Ramallo Asensio

Reviewed by Jonathan Edmondson