The Public Life of Monuments: The Summi Viri of the Forum of AugustusJanuary 2013 (117.1) ArticleBy Josephine Shaya
The Location of Alashiya: New Evidence from Petrographic Investigation of Alashiyan Tablets from El-Amarna and UgaritApril 2003 (107.2) ArticleBy Yuval Goren, Shlomo Bunimovitz, Israel Finkelstein and Nadav Na’aman
A Reconsideration of the Northeastern Building at Pylos: Evidence for a Mycenaean Redistributive CenterApril 2003 (107.2) ArticleBy Lisa M. Bendall
The Mycenaean Administration of Textile Production in the Palace of Knossos: Observations on the Lc(1) Textile TargetsOctober 2011 (115.4) ArticleBy Marie-Louise B. Nosch
Dialogues of Ancient Graffiti in the House of Maius Castricius in PompeiiJanuary 2010 (114.1) ArticleBy Rebecca R. Benefiel
Marks of State Ownership and the Greek Agora at CorinthJanuary 2010 (114.1) ArticleBy Jamieson C. Donati
Four Hellenistic Funerary Stelae from Gephyra, MacedoniaJuly 2009 (113.3) ArticleBy Miltiades Hatzopoulos and Pierre Juhel
The Study of Hands on Greek Inscriptions: The Need for a Digital ApproachJanuary 2009 (113.1) NoteBy Stephen Tracy and Constantin Papaodysseus